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使用马赛克包中的 D 函数计算 R 中的导数

[英]calculating derivative in R using D function in mosaic package

I installed mosaic package available in R to calculate derivative by typing install.packages('mosaic').我安装了 R 中可用的马赛克包,通过键入 install.packages('mosaic') 来计算导数。 I created a function using makeFun and then i tried to calculate derivative in the following way我使用 makeFun 创建了一个函数,然后我尝试按以下方式计算导数

y1 <- makeFun(a +b *x  ~x, a=2, b=2)
dy1.dx <- D(a + b* x ~ x, a=2, b=2)

but the console shows但控制台显示

" dy1.dx <- D(a+b*x~x, a=2, b=2)
Error in D(a + b * x ~ x, a = 2, b = 2) : unused arguments (a = 2, b = 2)"

How can I correct it?我该如何纠正?

using the base R's stats package.使用基本 R 的stats包。 No need to install additional packages like mosaic .无需安装其他软件包,如mosaic

D will give the derivative of expression, so using expression() function, we create an expression and pass it to the D function. D将给出表达式的导数,因此使用expression()函数,我们创建一个表达式并将其传递给D函数。

Then eval will evaluate the expression and substitute will substitute values of a and b in the expression.然后eval将评估表达式,而substitute将替换表达式中ab值。

get the derivative for an expression with respect to x:得到表达式关于 x 的导数:

stats::D(expression(a + b * x), "x")
# b

evaluate the expression after substituting with values in the derivative.在用导数中的值替换后计算表达式。 b is substituted with the value 2. b被替换为值 2。

eval(substitute( stats::D(expression(a + b * x), "x"), list(a=2, b = 2) ))
# [1] 2

Another example:另一个例子:

stats::D(expression(a + a*b * x), "x")
# a * b
eval(substitute( D(expression(a + a*b * x), "x"), list(a=3, b = 2) ))
# 3 * 2
eval(eval(substitute( D(expression(a + a*b * x), "x"), list(a=3, b = 2) )))
# 6

D used in your example is from library(mosaicCalc) and not from base stat.您的示例中使用的D来自library(mosaicCalc)而不是来自 base stat。 Install and call the library.安装并调用库。 Your function works normally.您的功能正常工作。

#> Loading required package: mosaicCalc
#> Warning: package 'mosaicCalc' was built under R version 3.6.3
#> Loading required package: mosaicCore
#> Warning: package 'mosaicCore' was built under R version 3.6.3
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'mosaic':
#>   method                           from   
#>   fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame ggplot2
#> Attaching package: 'mosaicCalc'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     D
dy1.dx <- D(a + b * x ~ x, a = 2, b = 2)
#> function (x, a = 2, b = 2) 
#> b

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