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[英]Django : render not passing context variable to template

I have this views function to fetch userid and accountnumber from AWS Dynamodb : 我具有此视图功能,可从AWS Dynamodb获取用户ID和帐号:

 def dsctbl2(request):
  dynamodb=boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-west-2')
  response = dynamodb.scan(
  filtered = response['Items']
  length = len(filtered)
  for k in range(length):
    accnum = filtered[k]['AccountNum']['S']
    uid = filtered[k]['UserId']['S']
    f = dict(AccountNum=accnum,userID=uid)
    rows = list(f.items())
  return render('useradd.html',{'rows': rows})

I have tried almost everything but the rows value is just not getting passed to my template. 我已经尝试了几乎所有方法,但是行值只是没有传递到模板中。 I even tried passing a simple string value and even that is not getting passed. 我什至尝试传递一个简单的字符串值,即使没有传递。 This is my template table where I wish to display the userid and accountnum. 这是我的模板表,我希望在其中显示用户ID和accountnum。

 <div class="mytable">
    <th>Account #</th>
    <th>User Id</th>
      {% for row in rows %}
    <td>{{ row.AccountNum }}</td>
    <td>{{ row.UserId }}</td>
        {% endfor %}

When I hit the template , nothing shows up. 当我点击模板时,什么都没有显示。 No values are getting displayed except the table headings. 除表标题外,未显示任何值。 Why is render not passing the context variable (list value)from my views to template ? 为什么渲染未将上下文变量(列表值)从我的视图传递到模板? I have been stuck with for about 6 hours ! 我已经坚持了大约6个小时! Can someone resolve this issue ? 有人可以解决这个问题吗?

return render(request,'useradd.html',{'rows': rows})


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