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[英]Loop to render Django view context as table in the template

I want to pass the following dictionary as context to Django template: 我想将以下字典作为上下文传递给Django模板:

context = {'prices': prices, 'listings_links': listings_links, 'listings_names': listings_names, 'photo_links': photo_links}

The dictionary's values are lists. 词典的值是列表。

In the template I want to display those lists as columns in HTML table. 在模板中,我想将这些列表显示为HTML表中的列。 However I am not sure how to further develop the following skeleton table code: 但是我不确定如何进一步开发以下框架表代码:

      <th>Listing name</th>
      <th>Photo link</th>
 {% for loop start here? %}
      <td> {{prices[0] }} </td>
      <td> {{ listings_links[0] }} </td>
      <td> {{ listings_names[0] }} </td>
      <td> {{ photo_links[0] }} </td>
    #next rows go here... 
 {% endfor %}

In the view, zip your lists into a single iterable. 在视图中,将列表压缩到一个可迭代的列表中。

items = zip(prices, listings_links, listings_names, photo_links)

context = {'items': item}

Then you can unpack items in the template: 然后,您可以解压缩模板中的items

{% for price, listing_link, listing_name, photo_link in items %}
    <td>{{ prices }}</td>
    <td>{{ listing_link }}</td>
    <td>{{ listing_name }}</td>
    <td>{{ photo_link }}</td>
{% endfor %}

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