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[英]Alternate branching strategies in Gecode

I post here to ask if there is a way to alternate different strategies of branching. 我在这里发问,是否有办法改变分支的不同策略。 Let me explain, I have an efficient branching strategy which we'll call the strategy A . 让我解释一下,我有一个有效的分支策略,我们将其称为A。 The biggest problem is that the strategy A cannot be used that often. 最大的问题是策略A不能经常使用。 So when I cannot use the strategy A , I use another strategy, which I'll call the strategy B , which is less efficient. 因此,当我无法使用策略A时 ,我将使用效率较低的另一种策略,我将其称为策略B。

The documentation says that: 该文档说:

Brancher order. 分支机构订单。 Creating a brancher registers it with its home space. 创建分支程序会将其注册到其本地空间。 A space maintains a queue of its branchers in that the brancher that is registered first is also used first for branching. 一个空间保持其分支的队列,因为首先注册的分支也首先用于分支。 The first brancher in the queue of branchers is referred to as the current brancher. 分支队列中的第一个分支称为当前分支。

So, I supposed that if I post the brancher A then the brancher B , the brancher A will has priority and each time the status of A says there is no branching to do, the brancher B will be used. 因此,我以为如果我发布分支机构A然后发布分支机构B ,则分支机构A将具有优先权,并且每次Astatus表示没有分支要执行时,都将使用分支机构B。 Seems like I was wrong because when the status of a brancher return false , it is never called again. 似乎我错了,因为当分支的status返回false ,就不再调用它。 Here is a " minimal example ": 这是一个“ 最小示例 ”:

#include <gecode/minimodel.hh>
#include <iostream>

using namespace Gecode;
using namespace std;

class MyChoice : public Choice {
    int pos; // Position of the variable
    int val; // Value of to assign

    MyChoice(const Brancher& b, int pos0, int val0)
      : Choice(b,2), pos(pos0), val(val0) {}

    // Report size occupied
    virtual size_t size(void) const {
      return sizeof(*this);

    // Archive into e
    virtual void archive(Archive& e) const {
      e << pos << val;

class BranchA : public Brancher {
    ViewArray<Int::IntView> x;
    BranchA(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x0)
      : Brancher(home), x(x0) {}

    static void post(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x) {
      (void) new (home) BranchA(home,x);

    virtual size_t dispose(Space& home) {
      (void) Brancher::dispose(home);
      return sizeof(*this);
    BranchA(Space& home, bool share, BranchA& b)
      : Brancher(home,share,b) {
    virtual Brancher* copy(Space& home, bool share) {
      return new (home) BranchA(home,share,*this);
    // status
    virtual bool status(const Space& home) const {
      for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return !i%2 && x[i].in(1);
      return false;
    // choice
    virtual Choice* choice(Space& home) {
      for (int i=0; true; i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return new MyChoice(*this,i,1);
      return NULL;
    virtual Choice* choice(const Space&, Archive& e) {
      int pos, val;
      e >> pos >> val;
      return new MyChoice(*this, pos, val);
    // commit
    virtual ExecStatus commit(Space& home, 
                              const Choice& c,
                              unsigned int a) {
      const MyChoice& pv = static_cast<const MyChoice&>(c);
      int pos=pv.pos, val=pv.val;
      if (a == 0)
        return me_failed(x[pos].eq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
        return me_failed(x[pos].nq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
void branchA(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x) {
  if (home.failed()) return;
  ViewArray<Int::IntView> y(home,x);
// BranchB //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class BranchB : public Brancher {
    ViewArray<Int::IntView> x;
    BranchB(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x0)
      : Brancher(home), x(x0) {}
    static void post(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x) {
      (void) new (home) BranchB(home,x);
    virtual size_t dispose(Space& home) {
      (void) Brancher::dispose(home);
      return sizeof(*this);
    BranchB(Space& home, bool share, BranchB& b)
      : Brancher(home,share,b) {
    virtual Brancher* copy(Space& home, bool share) {
      return new (home) BranchB(home,share,*this);
    // status
    virtual bool status(const Space& home) const {
      for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return i%2 && x[i].in(2);
      return false;
    // choice
    virtual Choice* choice(Space& home) {
      for (int i=0; true; i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return new MyChoice(*this,i,2);
      return NULL;
    virtual Choice* choice(const Space&, Archive& e) {
      int pos, val;
      e >> pos >> val;
      return new MyChoice(*this, pos, val);
    // commit
    virtual ExecStatus commit(Space& home, 
                              const Choice& c,
                              unsigned int a) {
      const MyChoice& pv = static_cast<const MyChoice&>(c);
      int pos=pv.pos, val=pv.val;
      if (a == 0)
        return me_failed(x[pos].eq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
        return me_failed(x[pos].nq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
void branchB(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x) {
  if (home.failed()) return;
  ViewArray<Int::IntView> y(home,x);

// Minimal Space ///////////////////////////////////////

class TestSpace : public Space {
    IntVarArray x;
    TestSpace(int size)
      : x(*this, size, 0, 10) {
      branchA(*this, x);
      branchB(*this, x);

    TestSpace (bool share, TestSpace& s)
      : Space(share, s) {
      x.update(*this, share, s.x);

    virtual Space* copy (bool share) {
      return new TestSpace(share, *this);
    void print(std::ostream& os) {
      os << "x= " << x << endl;

// Minimal Main //////////////////////:

int main (int, char**) {
  // create model and search engine
  TestSpace* m = new TestSpace(10);
  DFS<TestSpace> e(m);
  delete m;
  // search and print all solutions
  while (TestSpace* s = e.next()) {
    s->print(cout); delete s;
  return 0;

In this example, the status of the brancher A return true if the next variable to assign is on an even index and if the variable can take the value of 1 ( false else). 在此示例中,如果要分配的下一个变量在偶数索引上并且该变量的值可以为1 (否则为false ),则分支程序Astatus返回true And the brancher B status return true if the next variable to assign is on an odd index and if the variable can take the value of 2 ( false else). 如果要分配的下一个变量在奇数索引上并且该变量的值可以为2 (否则为false ),则分支B的 status返回true With that code I expected to get the solutions [1, 2, 1, 2, ...] and [!1, !2, !1, !2, ...] (and others combinations like [!1, 2, 1, !2, ...] ) but since the branchers are disposed when their status return false , only the two first variables have been assigned. 使用该代码,我期望得到解决方案[1, 2, 1, 2, ...][!1, !2, !1, !2, ...] (以及其他组合,例如[!1, 2, 1, !2, ...] )),但由于在status返回false时会丢弃分支,因此仅分配了两个第一个变量。

Is there a good way to make the brancher not being disposed after its status return false (or to alternate two differents branching strategies) or should I merge the two branchers into one ? 有没有一种好的方法可以使分支器在status返回false之后不被处置(或交替使用两种不同的分支策略),还是应该将两个分支器合并为一个?

If it may help someone, here is the solution I used. 如果它可以帮助某人,这是我使用的解决方案。 As advised by Patrick Trentin, I unified the control by making a third brancher which is a vector of branchers. 根据Patrick Trentin的建议,我通过制作第三个分支器(它是分支器的向量)来统一控件。 Here is the implementation I used: 这是我使用的实现:

The header branchAllInOne.h : 标头branchAllInOne.h

#include <gecode/minimodel.hh>

using namespace Gecode;
using namespace std;

class BranchAllInOne : public Brancher {
  // Queue of brancher (may be better with ActorLink)
  vector<Actor *> queue;

  // Every brancher are in the brancher
  BrancherGroup group;

  mutable int toChoose;

  class ChoiceAndID : public Choice {
    // Choice of the brancher used
    Choice* c;
    /// ID of brancher used
    unsigned int id;

    ChoiceAndID(const Brancher& b, Choice * c, unsigned int id);
    virtual ~ChoiceAndID();
    virtual size_t size(void) const ;
    virtual void archive(Archive& e) const ;

  BranchAllInOne(Home home);
  virtual size_t dispose(Space& home);
  BranchAllInOne(Home home, bool share, BranchAllInOne& b);
  virtual ~BranchAllInOne();
   * Check status of brancher, set toChoose value to the ID of the first 
   * brancher with alternative left
  virtual bool status(const Space&) const ;

   * Let the brancher of ID toChoose make the choice
  virtual Choice* choice(Space&);
  virtual Choice* choice(const Space&, Archive& e);

   * Let the brancher of ID toChoose commit his choice
  virtual ExecStatus commit(Space& home, const Choice& _c, unsigned int a);

  /// Copy brancher
  virtual Actor* copy(Space& home, bool share);

  /// Post brancher
  static BranchAllInOne * post(Home home);

  virtual void print(const Space& home,
             const Choice& c,
             unsigned int a,
             ostream& o) const ;
  void pushBrancher(Space& home, Brancher *b);

BranchAllInOne * branchAllInOne(Home home);

The implementation branchAllInOne.cpp : 实现branchAllInOne.cpp

#include "branchAllInOne.h"

static Brancher * ActorToBrancher(Actor *a);
// Choice implementation
BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::ChoiceAndID(const Brancher& b, Choice * c0, unsigned int id0)
  : Choice(b, c0->alternatives()),

BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::~ChoiceAndID() {
  delete c;

size_t BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::size(void) const {
  return sizeof(*this) + c->size();

void BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::archive(Archive& e) const {

BranchAllInOne::BranchAllInOne(Home home)
  : Brancher(home),
    toChoose(-1) {

// brancher
BranchAllInOne * BranchAllInOne::post(Home home) {
  return new (home) BranchAllInOne(home);

size_t BranchAllInOne::dispose(Space& home) {
  home.ignore(*this, AP_DISPOSE);
  size_t size = queue.size() * sizeof(Actor*);
  for (unsigned int i = queue.size() ; i--;) {
    size += ActorToBrancher(queue[i])->dispose(home);

  // Making sure to kill each brancher inserted in the queue (may be useless)

  (void) Brancher::dispose(home);
  return sizeof(*this) + size;

BranchAllInOne::BranchAllInOne(Home home, bool share, BranchAllInOne& b)
  : Brancher(home, share, b),
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < queue.size() ; i++)
    queue[i] = b.queue[i]->copy(home, share);  

BranchAllInOne::~BranchAllInOne() {
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < queue.size() ; i++) {
    delete queue[i];

Actor* BranchAllInOne::copy(Space& home, bool share){
  return new (home) BranchAllInOne(home, share, *this);

// status
bool BranchAllInOne::status(const Space& s) const {
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < queue.size() ; i++) {
    if (ActorToBrancher(queue[i])->status(s)) {
      toChoose = i;
      return true;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return false;

// choice
Choice* BranchAllInOne::choice(Space& s) {
  ChoiceAndID* res = new ChoiceAndID(*this,
                                     const_cast<Choice *>(ActorToBrancher(queue[toChoose])->choice(s)),
  toChoose = -1;
  return res;

Choice* BranchAllInOne::choice(const Space& s, Archive& e) {
  return new ChoiceAndID(*this,
                         const_cast<Choice *>(ActorToBrancher(queue[toChoose])->choice(s, e)),

// Perform commit for choice \a _c and alternative \a a
ExecStatus BranchAllInOne::commit(Space& home, const Choice& c, unsigned int a) {
  const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID& ch =  static_cast<const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID&>(c);
  return ActorToBrancher(queue[ch.id])->commit(home, const_cast<Choice&>(*ch.c), a);


void BranchAllInOne::print(const Space& home,
                           const Choice& c,
                           unsigned int a,
                           ostream& o) const {
  const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID& ch =  static_cast<const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID&>(c);
  o << ch.id << ": ";
  ActorToBrancher(queue[ch.id])->print(home, *(ch.c), a, o);

void BranchAllInOne::pushBrancher(Space &home, Brancher *b) {
  group.move(home, *b); 

static Brancher * ActorToBrancher(Actor *a) {
  return dynamic_cast<Brancher *>(a);

// end of BranchAllInOne implementation

BranchAllInOne* branchAllInOne(Home home) {
  if (home.failed()) return NULL;
  return BranchAllInOne::post(home);

I've made some modifications to get a pointer to branchers I want to put in the vector (that include the post function of each branchers): brancherA example: 我进行了一些修改,以获取指向要放入向量中的分支的指针(包括每个分支的post函数):brancherA示例:

BranchA * BranchA::post(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x) {
    return new (home) BranchA(home,x);

BranchA * branchA(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x) {
  if (home.failed()) return NULL;
  ViewArray<Int::IntView> y(home,x);
  return BranchA::post(home,y);

The space has also been modified: 该空间也已修改:

  TestSpace::TestSpace(int size)
    : x(*this, size, 0, 10) {
    BranchAllInOne * b = branchAllInOne(*this);
    b->pushBrancher(*this, branchA(*this, x));
    b->pushBrancher(*this, branchB(*this, x));

I tested it with and without Gist and only got a memory leak of a pointer for each brancher put in the vector (here only two). 我在有和没有Gist的情况下都对其进行了测试,并且对于放入向量中的每个分支(这里只有两个),只得到了指针的内存泄漏。 A small problem remain is that branchers put in the vector are also scheduled after the third brancher stoped (but their status return false). 仍然存在一个小问题,即在第三个分支停止后,仍会调度放入向量中的分支(但其状态返回false)。

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