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[英]Alternate branching strategies in Gecode

我在這里發問,是否有辦法改變分支的不同策略。 讓我解釋一下,我有一個有效的分支策略,我們將其稱為A。 最大的問題是策略A不能經常使用。 因此,當我無法使用策略A時 ,我將使用效率較低的另一種策略,我將其稱為策略B。


分支機構訂單。 創建分支程序會將其注冊到其本地空間。 一個空間保持其分支的隊列,因為首先注冊的分支也首先用於分支。 分支隊列中的第一個分支稱為當前分支。

因此,我以為如果我發布分支機構A然后發布分支機構B ,則分支機構A將具有優先權,並且每次Astatus表示沒有分支要執行時,都將使用分支機構B。 似乎我錯了,因為當分支的status返回false ,就不再調用它。 這是一個“ 最小示例 ”:

#include <gecode/minimodel.hh>
#include <iostream>

using namespace Gecode;
using namespace std;

class MyChoice : public Choice {
    int pos; // Position of the variable
    int val; // Value of to assign

    MyChoice(const Brancher& b, int pos0, int val0)
      : Choice(b,2), pos(pos0), val(val0) {}

    // Report size occupied
    virtual size_t size(void) const {
      return sizeof(*this);

    // Archive into e
    virtual void archive(Archive& e) const {
      e << pos << val;

class BranchA : public Brancher {
    ViewArray<Int::IntView> x;
    BranchA(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x0)
      : Brancher(home), x(x0) {}

    static void post(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x) {
      (void) new (home) BranchA(home,x);

    virtual size_t dispose(Space& home) {
      (void) Brancher::dispose(home);
      return sizeof(*this);
    BranchA(Space& home, bool share, BranchA& b)
      : Brancher(home,share,b) {
    virtual Brancher* copy(Space& home, bool share) {
      return new (home) BranchA(home,share,*this);
    // status
    virtual bool status(const Space& home) const {
      for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return !i%2 && x[i].in(1);
      return false;
    // choice
    virtual Choice* choice(Space& home) {
      for (int i=0; true; i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return new MyChoice(*this,i,1);
      return NULL;
    virtual Choice* choice(const Space&, Archive& e) {
      int pos, val;
      e >> pos >> val;
      return new MyChoice(*this, pos, val);
    // commit
    virtual ExecStatus commit(Space& home, 
                              const Choice& c,
                              unsigned int a) {
      const MyChoice& pv = static_cast<const MyChoice&>(c);
      int pos=pv.pos, val=pv.val;
      if (a == 0)
        return me_failed(x[pos].eq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
        return me_failed(x[pos].nq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
void branchA(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x) {
  if (home.failed()) return;
  ViewArray<Int::IntView> y(home,x);
// BranchB //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class BranchB : public Brancher {
    ViewArray<Int::IntView> x;
    BranchB(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x0)
      : Brancher(home), x(x0) {}
    static void post(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x) {
      (void) new (home) BranchB(home,x);
    virtual size_t dispose(Space& home) {
      (void) Brancher::dispose(home);
      return sizeof(*this);
    BranchB(Space& home, bool share, BranchB& b)
      : Brancher(home,share,b) {
    virtual Brancher* copy(Space& home, bool share) {
      return new (home) BranchB(home,share,*this);
    // status
    virtual bool status(const Space& home) const {
      for (int i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return i%2 && x[i].in(2);
      return false;
    // choice
    virtual Choice* choice(Space& home) {
      for (int i=0; true; i++)
        if (!x[i].assigned())
          return new MyChoice(*this,i,2);
      return NULL;
    virtual Choice* choice(const Space&, Archive& e) {
      int pos, val;
      e >> pos >> val;
      return new MyChoice(*this, pos, val);
    // commit
    virtual ExecStatus commit(Space& home, 
                              const Choice& c,
                              unsigned int a) {
      const MyChoice& pv = static_cast<const MyChoice&>(c);
      int pos=pv.pos, val=pv.val;
      if (a == 0)
        return me_failed(x[pos].eq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
        return me_failed(x[pos].nq(home,val)) ? ES_FAILED : ES_OK;
void branchB(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x) {
  if (home.failed()) return;
  ViewArray<Int::IntView> y(home,x);

// Minimal Space ///////////////////////////////////////

class TestSpace : public Space {
    IntVarArray x;
    TestSpace(int size)
      : x(*this, size, 0, 10) {
      branchA(*this, x);
      branchB(*this, x);

    TestSpace (bool share, TestSpace& s)
      : Space(share, s) {
      x.update(*this, share, s.x);

    virtual Space* copy (bool share) {
      return new TestSpace(share, *this);
    void print(std::ostream& os) {
      os << "x= " << x << endl;

// Minimal Main //////////////////////:

int main (int, char**) {
  // create model and search engine
  TestSpace* m = new TestSpace(10);
  DFS<TestSpace> e(m);
  delete m;
  // search and print all solutions
  while (TestSpace* s = e.next()) {
    s->print(cout); delete s;
  return 0;

在此示例中,如果要分配的下一個變量在偶數索引上並且該變量的值可以為1 (否則為false ),則分支程序Astatus返回true 如果要分配的下一個變量在奇數索引上並且該變量的值可以為2 (否則為false ),則分支B的 status返回true 使用該代碼,我期望得到解決方案[1, 2, 1, 2, ...][!1, !2, !1, !2, ...] (以及其他組合,例如[!1, 2, 1, !2, ...] )),但由於在status返回false時會丟棄分支,因此僅分配了兩個第一個變量。


如果它可以幫助某人,這是我使用的解決方案。 根據Patrick Trentin的建議,我通過制作第三個分支器(它是分支器的向量)來統一控件。 這是我使用的實現:


#include <gecode/minimodel.hh>

using namespace Gecode;
using namespace std;

class BranchAllInOne : public Brancher {
  // Queue of brancher (may be better with ActorLink)
  vector<Actor *> queue;

  // Every brancher are in the brancher
  BrancherGroup group;

  mutable int toChoose;

  class ChoiceAndID : public Choice {
    // Choice of the brancher used
    Choice* c;
    /// ID of brancher used
    unsigned int id;

    ChoiceAndID(const Brancher& b, Choice * c, unsigned int id);
    virtual ~ChoiceAndID();
    virtual size_t size(void) const ;
    virtual void archive(Archive& e) const ;

  BranchAllInOne(Home home);
  virtual size_t dispose(Space& home);
  BranchAllInOne(Home home, bool share, BranchAllInOne& b);
  virtual ~BranchAllInOne();
   * Check status of brancher, set toChoose value to the ID of the first 
   * brancher with alternative left
  virtual bool status(const Space&) const ;

   * Let the brancher of ID toChoose make the choice
  virtual Choice* choice(Space&);
  virtual Choice* choice(const Space&, Archive& e);

   * Let the brancher of ID toChoose commit his choice
  virtual ExecStatus commit(Space& home, const Choice& _c, unsigned int a);

  /// Copy brancher
  virtual Actor* copy(Space& home, bool share);

  /// Post brancher
  static BranchAllInOne * post(Home home);

  virtual void print(const Space& home,
             const Choice& c,
             unsigned int a,
             ostream& o) const ;
  void pushBrancher(Space& home, Brancher *b);

BranchAllInOne * branchAllInOne(Home home);


#include "branchAllInOne.h"

static Brancher * ActorToBrancher(Actor *a);
// Choice implementation
BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::ChoiceAndID(const Brancher& b, Choice * c0, unsigned int id0)
  : Choice(b, c0->alternatives()),

BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::~ChoiceAndID() {
  delete c;

size_t BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::size(void) const {
  return sizeof(*this) + c->size();

void BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID::archive(Archive& e) const {

BranchAllInOne::BranchAllInOne(Home home)
  : Brancher(home),
    toChoose(-1) {

// brancher
BranchAllInOne * BranchAllInOne::post(Home home) {
  return new (home) BranchAllInOne(home);

size_t BranchAllInOne::dispose(Space& home) {
  home.ignore(*this, AP_DISPOSE);
  size_t size = queue.size() * sizeof(Actor*);
  for (unsigned int i = queue.size() ; i--;) {
    size += ActorToBrancher(queue[i])->dispose(home);

  // Making sure to kill each brancher inserted in the queue (may be useless)

  (void) Brancher::dispose(home);
  return sizeof(*this) + size;

BranchAllInOne::BranchAllInOne(Home home, bool share, BranchAllInOne& b)
  : Brancher(home, share, b),
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < queue.size() ; i++)
    queue[i] = b.queue[i]->copy(home, share);  

BranchAllInOne::~BranchAllInOne() {
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < queue.size() ; i++) {
    delete queue[i];

Actor* BranchAllInOne::copy(Space& home, bool share){
  return new (home) BranchAllInOne(home, share, *this);

// status
bool BranchAllInOne::status(const Space& s) const {
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < queue.size() ; i++) {
    if (ActorToBrancher(queue[i])->status(s)) {
      toChoose = i;
      return true;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return false;

// choice
Choice* BranchAllInOne::choice(Space& s) {
  ChoiceAndID* res = new ChoiceAndID(*this,
                                     const_cast<Choice *>(ActorToBrancher(queue[toChoose])->choice(s)),
  toChoose = -1;
  return res;

Choice* BranchAllInOne::choice(const Space& s, Archive& e) {
  return new ChoiceAndID(*this,
                         const_cast<Choice *>(ActorToBrancher(queue[toChoose])->choice(s, e)),

// Perform commit for choice \a _c and alternative \a a
ExecStatus BranchAllInOne::commit(Space& home, const Choice& c, unsigned int a) {
  const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID& ch =  static_cast<const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID&>(c);
  return ActorToBrancher(queue[ch.id])->commit(home, const_cast<Choice&>(*ch.c), a);


void BranchAllInOne::print(const Space& home,
                           const Choice& c,
                           unsigned int a,
                           ostream& o) const {
  const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID& ch =  static_cast<const BranchAllInOne::ChoiceAndID&>(c);
  o << ch.id << ": ";
  ActorToBrancher(queue[ch.id])->print(home, *(ch.c), a, o);

void BranchAllInOne::pushBrancher(Space &home, Brancher *b) {
  group.move(home, *b); 

static Brancher * ActorToBrancher(Actor *a) {
  return dynamic_cast<Brancher *>(a);

// end of BranchAllInOne implementation

BranchAllInOne* branchAllInOne(Home home) {
  if (home.failed()) return NULL;
  return BranchAllInOne::post(home);


BranchA * BranchA::post(Home home, ViewArray<Int::IntView>& x) {
    return new (home) BranchA(home,x);

BranchA * branchA(Home home, const IntVarArgs& x) {
  if (home.failed()) return NULL;
  ViewArray<Int::IntView> y(home,x);
  return BranchA::post(home,y);


  TestSpace::TestSpace(int size)
    : x(*this, size, 0, 10) {
    BranchAllInOne * b = branchAllInOne(*this);
    b->pushBrancher(*this, branchA(*this, x));
    b->pushBrancher(*this, branchB(*this, x));

我在有和沒有Gist的情況下都對其進行了測試,並且對於放入向量中的每個分支(這里只有兩個),只得到了指針的內存泄漏。 仍然存在一個小問題,即在第三個分支停止后,仍會調度放入向量中的分支(但其狀態返回false)。


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