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为什么 pathlib.Path(“C:”) 解析为 Windows 上的工作目录?

[英]Why does pathlib.Path(“C:”) resolve to the working directory on Windows?

Using Python 3.6 on Windows 7 x64, the path "C:" seems identical to an empty path for Path.resolve() :在 Windows 7 x64 上使用 Python 3.6,路径"C:"似乎与Path.resolve()的空路径相同:

'Empty' paths are 'current working directory' cwd() : “空”路径是“当前工作目录” cwd()

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> Path().resolve()
>>> Path(r"").resolve()
>>> Path.cwd().resolve()

A single letter is interpreted as a folder name:单个字母被解释为文件夹名称:

>>> Path(r"C").resolve()

A full blown drive-letter + colon + backslash points to the drive root as expected:一个完整的驱动器字母 + 冒号 + 反斜杠按预期指向驱动器根:

>>>> Path(r"C:\").resolve()

But forgetting the backslash points back to the current work directory?但是忘记反斜杠指向当前工作目录?

>>>> Path(r"C:").resolve()

I would expect it to either treat the colon (without a backslash) as a regular character (it does so for Path("te:st") ), or either ignore it ( "C" ), or treat the path as the drive root ( "C:\\" ).我希望它将冒号(不带反斜杠)视为常规字符(对Path("te:st") ),或者忽略它( "C" ),或者将路径视为驱动器根 ( "C:\\" )。 But instead it seems to ignore the C altogether.但相反,它似乎完全忽略了 C。

For other drive letters ( "A:" , "X:" , ...), resolve either hangs indefinitely (not nice!) or asks me to insert a disk into the drive (which indicates that it's not completely ignoring the drive letter either).对于其他驱动器号( "A:""X:" 、...),resolve 要么无限期挂起(不好!)或要求我将磁盘插入驱动器(这表明它没有完全忽略驱动器号要么)。

It does not.它没有。

At least not in the sense that pathlib.Path("C:") resolves to the working directory on Windows:至少不是pathlib.Path("C:")解析为 Windows 上工作目录:


Python 3.8.1 (tags/v3.8.1:1b293b6, Dec 18 2019, 23:11:46) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> Path.cwd().resolve()
>>> Path(r"C:").resolve()

As you can see, C: resolves the last active directory on the C: drive , which is completely in line with how Windows uses C: vs. C:\\ :如您所见, C:解析C: 驱动器上的最后一个活动目录,这完全符合 Windows 使用C:C:\\

D:\>dir C:\
 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 1234-ABCD

 Directory of C:\

01/17/2020  10:34 AM    <DIR>          Program Files
01/18/2020  12:11 AM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)

Compare that to this:将其与此进行比较:

D:\>dir C:
 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 1234-ABCD

 Directory of C:\Users\bersbers

01/20/2020  11:19 AM    <DIR>          .
01/20/2020  11:19 AM    <DIR>          ..
08/23/2018  10:45 AM    <DIR>          .cache
11/27/2019  11:26 PM             1,024 .rnd

This also applies to file paths:这也适用于文件路径:

D:\>copy C:\.rnd %TEMP%
The system cannot find the file specified.

D:\>copy C:.rnd %TEMP%
        1 file(s) copied.

And similarly:同样:


D:\>cd C:





D:\>cd C:\



So in summary, Path("C:").resolve() behaves exactly as you would expect it to, based on long-established Windows behavior.因此,总而言之, Path("C:").resolve()行为与您预期的完全一样,基于长期建立的 Windows 行为。

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