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为什么 pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent 对我的工作目录敏感?

[英]Why is pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent sensitive to my working directory?

I have a script that's two directories down.我有一个包含两个目录的脚本。

❯ tree
└── foo
    └── bar
        └── test.py
❯ cd foo/bar
❯ cat test.py

    from pathlib import Path

When I run it from the directory that contains it, PathLib thinks that the file's grandparent is the same as its parent.当我从包含它的目录运行它时,PathLib 认为文件的祖父母与其父文件相同。

❯ python test.py

    . # <-- same
    . # <-- directories

But when I run it from the top level, PathLib behaves correctly.但是当我从顶层运行它时,PathLib 行为正确。

❯ cd ../..
❯ python foo/bar/test.py

    foo/bar # <-- different
    foo     # <-- directories

Am I misunderstanding something about PathLib's API, or is something else causing its output to be sensitive to my working directory?我对 PathLib 的 API 有什么误解,还是其他原因导致它的 output 对我的工作目录敏感?

You need to call Path.resolve() to make your path absolute (a full path including all parent directories and removing all symlinks)您需要调用Path.resolve()以使您的路径成为绝对路径(包括所有父目录并删除所有符号链接的完整路径)

from pathlib import Path

This will cause the results to include the entire path to each directory, but the behaviour will work wherever it is called from这将导致结果包含每个目录的整个路径,但无论从何处调用该行为都将起作用

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