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[英]Firebug debugging issues

I am trying to debug a MVC app that uses JQuery. 我正在尝试调试使用JQuery的MVC应用程序。

Firstly I have version 1.3.3 of Firebug and I have set the Break on All Errors option and have added a deliberate error but it is not breaking on the error. 首先我有Firebug的1.3.3版本,并且我已经设置了Break on All Errors选项,并添加了一个故意的错误,但它没有打破错误。

Secondly after I have activated something that has a javascript function and put breakpoint in and then let it continue, it then no longer hit s that breakpoint if I reactivate the function. 其次,在我激活了具有javascript函数的东西并将断点放入然后让它继续之后,如果我重新激活该函数,它就不再命中该断点。

Thirdly can you put watch expressions in for JQuery statments because I have, and it says undefined in watch list window. 第三,你可以将监视表达式放入JQuery语句中,因为我有,并且在监视列表窗口中显示未定义。

Malcolm 马尔科姆

From what I remember, one of the newer patches of Firefox broke Firebug's javascript debugging. 据我记忆,其中一个较新的Firefox补丁打破了Firebug的javascript调试。 You can try upgrading to the 1.4 alpha ( http://getfirebug.com/ ) but that causes other issues. 您可以尝试升级到1.4 alpha( http://getfirebug.com/ ),但这会导致其他问题。

Another thing to note, is that sometimes it lets you put a breakpoint on any given line, but from my experience its really only when the line number turns green that you can rely on that breakpoint working. 另外需要注意的是,有时它会让你在任何给定的行上放置一个断点,但根据我的经验,它实际上只有当行号变为绿色时才可以依赖该断点工作。

I was disabling and re-enabling firebug back and forth when to fix it at one point, but I often had to kill the firefox.exe process. 我一次禁用并重新启用firebug来修复它,但我经常不得不杀死firefox.exe进程。 Anyway, when the line numbers are green you're good to debug once before having to disable and re-enable again (at least that was my browser's behavior). 无论如何,当行号为绿色时,你需要调试一次才能再次禁用和重新启用(至少这是我浏览器的行为)。

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