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调试无法在Firefox中运行 - Firebug

[英]Debugging not working in Firefox - Firebug

I'm trying to debug an extJS based JavaScript form in Firefox 3.0.8, with Firebug, but none of my debugging statements are working. 我正在尝试使用Firebug在Firefox 3.0.8中调试基于extJS的JavaScript表单,但我的调试语句都没有工作。 console.log produces the error console is not defined in the console. console.log生成错误console is not defined在控制台中console is not defined The debugger statement just doesn't work. debugger语句不起作用。

It might be that you have another Firefox extension installed which messes up for Firebug's console. 可能是您安装了另一个Firefox扩展程序,这对于Firebug的控制台来说很糟糕。 I installed "HttpWatch Basic" for instance and it broke console.log() .. Disabled HttpWatch and everything was fine again. 我安装了“HttpWatch Basic”,它破坏了console.log()..禁用了HttpWatch,一切都很好了。

Are you using Firefox 2.x ? 你在使用Firefox 2.x吗?

Call loadFirebugConsole() to load the logger explicitly before you try to log to it. 在尝试登录之前,调用loadFirebugConsole()以显式加载记录器。

You can try window.console.log(). 您可以尝试使用window.console.log()。 Works in IE, may work FF3 in your case. 在IE中工作,可能在您的情况下工作FF3。

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