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Unittest.mock - 如何模拟从连接对象对 cursor.execute() 的调用?

[英]Unittest.mock - how to mock a call to cursor.execute() from connection object?

I am trying to stub out cursor.execute() in the following code with mock such that I can test execute is called with a correctly formatted query:我正在尝试使用模拟在以下代码中存根 cursor.execute() 以便我可以测试使用格式正确的查询调用 execute :

// Module ABC

def buildAndExecuteQuery( tablesAndColumnsToSelect ):
   '''Build and execute a query.

   Args: tablesAndColumnsToSelect (dict)
         - keys are table names, values are columns

   query = ..... < logic to build query > ....

   from django.db import connections
   cursor = connections[ 'mydb' ].cursor()
   cursor.execute( query )

How can I accomplish this type of mock in python2.7 with the mock library?如何使用模拟库在 python2.7 中完成这种类型的模拟?

I will expand @G_M answer with example since I have two objections:我将用例子扩展@G_M 答案,因为我有两个反对意见:

  1. In my opinion, it is a good practice to explicitly close database cursor, more about this here: Necessity of explicit cursor.close() .在我看来,显式关闭数据库游标是一个很好的做法,更多关于这里的信息: 显式 cursor.close() 的必要性 This can be done by using the cursor as a context manager, more in Django docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/sql/#connections-and-cursors .这可以通过使用游标作为上下文管理器来完成,更多在 Django 文档中: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/sql/#connections-and-cursors
  2. When using mock we should not patch objects where they are defined:使用mock我们不应该在定义对象的地方修补它们:

The basic principle is that you patch where an object is looked up, which is not necessarily the same place as where it is defined.基本原则是在查找对象的位置打补丁,该位置不一定与定义的位置相同。 A couple of examples will help to clarify this.几个例子将有助于澄清这一点。

Ref: https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock.html#where-to-patch参考: https : //docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.mock.html#where-to-patch


Our function we want to test:我们要测试的函数:

# foooo_bar.py
from typing import Optional

from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, connections

def some_function(some_arg: str, db_alias: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS):
    with connections[db_alias].cursor() as cursor:
        cursor.execute('SOME SQL FROM %s;', [some_arg])


# test_foooo_bar.py
from unittest import mock

from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
from django.test import SimpleTestCase

from core.db_utils.xx import some_function

class ExampleSimpleTestCase(SimpleTestCase):
    def test_some_function_executes_some_sql(self, mock_connections):
        mock_cursor = mock_connections.__getitem__(DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS).cursor.return_value.__enter__.return_value

        # Demonstrating assert_* options:
        mock_cursor.execute.assert_called_once_with('SOME SQL FROM %s;', ['fooo'])

Since I don't know what your query logic is, I modified the query to just accept a sentinel value directly through the tables_and_columns_to_select argument.由于我不知道您的查询逻辑是什么,我将query修改为仅通过tables_and_columns_to_select参数直接接受哨兵值。

# b_and_ex_q.py

def build_and_execute_query(tables_and_columns_to_select):
    """Build and execute a query.

    Args: tablesAndColumnsToSelect (dict)
          - keys are table names, values are columns


    query = tables_and_columns_to_select  # ..... < logic to build query > ....

    from django.db import connections

    cursor = connections['mydb'].cursor()

import unittest

from mock import patch, sentinel

from b_and_ex_q import build_and_execute_query

class TestCursorExecute(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_build_and_execute_query(self, mock_connections):
        # Arrange
        mock_cursor = mock_connections.__getitem__('mydb').cursor.return_value

        # Act

        # Assert

if __name__ == '__main__':

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