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TypeChecker API:如何找到推断类型 arguments 到 function?

[英]TypeChecker API: How do I find inferred type arguments to a function?

Is there any way to, given a CallExpression with inferred type arguments, find what those type arguments are?有没有办法,给定一个推断类型为 arguments 的 CallExpression,找到那些类型 arguments 是什么?

Example code:示例代码:

class SomeClass {
    public someMethod<T>(arg: T): void { }

// What is the inferred type of T in this call?

It's easy enough to find type arguments that were explicitly assigned in the code, but I can't figure out how to find what was inferred.很容易找到在代码中明确分配的类型 arguments,但我无法弄清楚如何找到推断出的内容。

function inferTypeArguments(node: ts.CallExpression, typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker) {
    node.typeArguments; // is empty
    const signature = typeChecker.getResolvedSignature(node);
    signature['typeArguments']; // is also empty

    // This returns "<number>(arg: number): void"
    // so I know that the typeChecker has the right information,
    // but I would really like a ts.Type[]
    typeChecker.signatureToString(signature, node, ts.TypeFormatFlags.WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature)

I'll leave this question open in case someone finds a better way, but I did accomplish this by using some internal members of "Signature".如果有人找到更好的方法,我会保留这个问题,但我确实通过使用“签名”的一些内部成员来实现这一点。

type TypeMapper = (t: ts.TypeParameter) => ts.Type;
function inferTypeArguments(node: ts.CallExpression, typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker): ts.Type[] {
  const signature = typeChecker.getResolvedSignature(node);
  const targetParams: ts.TypeParameter[] = signature['target'] && signature['target'].typeParameters;
  if (!targetParams) {
    return [];
  const mapper: TypeMapper = signature['mapper'];
  return mapper
    ? targetParams.map(p => mapper(p))
    : targetParams;

I'd been using Simon's code for a while in my transpiler... then 3.9 came along and broke it.我在我的转译器中使用 Simon 的代码已经有一段时间了……然后 3.9 出现并破坏了它。 I've done a preliminary attempt to get it working again.我已经做了初步尝试让它再次工作。 Unfortunately, the mapper is an "internal" concern for typescript, so this will likely change again in the future不幸的是,映射器是打字稿的“内部”问题,因此将来可能会再次发生变化

/* @internal - from typescript 3.9 codebase*/
const enum TypeMapKind {

/* @internal - from typescript 3.9 codebase*/
type TypeMapper =
  | { kind: TypeMapKind.Simple, source: ts.Type, target: ts.Type }
  | { kind: TypeMapKind.Array, sources: readonly ts.Type[], targets: readonly ts.Type[] | undefined }
  | { kind: TypeMapKind.Function, func: (t: ts.Type) => ts.Type }
  | { kind: TypeMapKind.Composite | TypeMapKind.Merged, mapper1: TypeMapper, mapper2: TypeMapper };

/* basic application of the mapper - recursive for composite.*/ 
function typeMapper(mapper:TypeMapper, source: ts.Type): ts.Type {
    case TypeMapKind.Simple: 
      return mapper.target;
    case TypeMapKind.Array:
      throw Error("not implemented");
    case TypeMapKind.Function: 
      return mapper.func(source);      
    case TypeMapKind.Composite: 
    case TypeMapKind.Merged:
      return typeMapper(mapper.mapper2, source);

function inferTypeArguments(node: ts.CallExpression, typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker): ts.Type[] {
  const signature:ts.Signature = typeChecker.getResolvedSignature(node);
  const targetParams: ts.TypeParameter[] = signature['target'] && signature['target'].typeParameters;

  if (!targetParams) {
    return [];

  if(signature['mapper'] == undefined)   
    return targetParams;   

  //typescript <= 3.8
  if(typeof signature['mapper'] == "function") 
    return targetParams.map(p=>signature['mapper'](p));
  //typescript >= 3.9.... 
  return targetParams.map(p=> typeMapper(signature['mapper'] as TypeMapper, p));

Actually now it is '4.9.4', the latest ' getMappedType ' is so complicated that I just give up implement it by myself其实现在是'4.9.4',最新的' getMappedType '太复杂了,我放弃了自己实现


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