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[英]Having an abstract class that defines a primary constructor variable with a default value, how can we set that immutable value from a subclass

Given an abstract class: 给定一个抽象类:

abstract class SuperClass(val someVal: String = "defaultValue") : SomeSuperClass 

I want the implementing subclass to have two constructors, one that wouldn't set someVal , thus relying on the "defaultValue" , another one that sets a different someVal , that is to say, val sc = SubClass() and val sc2 = SubClass("anotherVal") 我希望实现子类有两个构造函数,一个不会设置someVal ,因此依赖于"defaultValue" ,另一个则设置一个不同的someVal ,即val sc = SubClass()val sc2 = SubClass("anotherVal")

I have tryied with: 我尝试过:

class SubClass() : SuperClass() {
    constructor(someVal: String) : this(someVal)

But the compiler complains: 但是编译器抱怨:

Error:(5, 37) Kotlin: There's a cycle in the delegation calls chain

How can I implement it keeping someVal immutable? 我如何实现它使someVal不可变? A solution like the following is not valid since it would be mutable: 如下所示的解决方案无效,因为它是可变的:

abstract class SuperClass(var someVal: String = "defaultValue") : SomeSuperClass 

class SubClass() : SuperClass() {
    constructor(someVal: String) : this() {
        super.someVal = someVal

If you omit the primary constructor you can do this: 如果省略主要构造函数,则可以执行以下操作:

class SubClass : SuperClass {
    constructor(someVal: String): super(someVal)
    constructor(): super()

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