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[英]Best way to replace a nested for loop in R

for loops in R are generally considered slow: it's hard to avoid unintended memory read/writes. R中的for循环通常被认为是缓慢的:很难避免意外的内存读/写。 But how to replace a nested for loop? 但是,如何替换嵌套的for循环? Which is the best approach? 哪种方法最好?

Please note that this is a generic question: the f function below is just an example, it could be much more complicated or return different objects. 请注意,这是一个通用问题:下面的f函数只是一个示例,它可能更加复杂或返回不同的对象。 I just want to see all the different approaches that one can take in R to avoid nested for loops. 我只想看看人们可以采用R来避免嵌套for循环的所有不同方法。

Consider this as an example: 考虑以下示例:

al <- c(2,3,4)
bl <- c("foo", "bar")
f <- function(n, c) { #Just one simple example function, could be much more complicated
    data.frame(n=n, c=c, val=n*nchar(c))
d <- data.frame()
for (a in al) { 
    for (b in bl) {
        d <- rbind(d, f(a, b))
        #one could undoubtedly do this a lot better
        #even keeping to nested for loops

One could replace it in this absolutely horrible way (take this only as a crude example): 一个人可以用这种绝对可怕的方式替换它(仅作为一个粗略的例子):

eg <- expand.grid(al, bl)
d <- do.call(rbind,
           function(i) {f(as.numeric(eg[i,1]), as.character(eg[i, 2]))}

or using library(purrr) , which is a little bit less inelegant: 或使用library(purrr) ,它的library(purrr)

d <- map_dfr(bl, function(b) map2_dfr(al, b, f))

... there are countless different methods. ...有无数种不同的方法。 Which one is the simplest, and which one the fastest? 哪一个最简单,哪一个最快?

Here is a very quick evaluation of the performance of the three previous methods on my laptop: 这是笔记本电脑上以前三种方法的性能的快速评估: 在此处输入图片说明

Simply vectorize with expand.grid and nchar . 只需使用expand.gridnchar向量化。 No for or apply loops needed: 不需要forapply循环:

eg <- expand.grid(c=bl, n=al, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
eg$val <- eg$n * nchar(eg$c)

eg <- eg[c("n", "c", "val")]

Or one-line with transform : 或单行transform

eg <- transform(expand.grid(c=bl, n=al, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                val=n * nchar(c))[c("n", "c", "val")]

And if you set stringsAsFactors = FALSE in f function: 并且如果在f函数中设置stringsAsFactors = FALSE

f <- function(n, c) {
  data.frame(n=n, c=c, val=n*nchar(c), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Output is equivalent to for loop dataframe: 输出等效于for循环数据帧:

all.equal(d, eg)
# [1] TRUE
> cbind.data.frame(n,c=e,val=mapply(function(x,y)x*nchar(y),n,e))
  n   c val
1 2 foo   6
2 3 bar   9
3 4 foo  12
4 2 bar   6
5 3 foo   9
6 4 bar  12

or: 要么:

  n   c val
1 2 foo   6
2 3 bar   9
3 4 foo  12
4 2 bar   6
5 3 foo   9
6 4 bar  12

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