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在 Javascript 中使用 while 循环对数字进行阶乘

[英]Factorial of a number using a while loop in Javascript

I need help creating the code to find the factorial of a number.我需要帮助创建代码来查找数字的阶乘。 The task is to任务是

  1. Create a variable to store your answer and initialize it to one创建一个变量来存储您的答案并将其初始化为一个
  2. Create a loop that beings at the given value, fact创建一个在给定值下存在的循环,事实
  3. Check if fact is one or zero检查事实是一还是零
  4. multiply fact with your answer variable将事实与您的答案变量相乘
  5. At the end of the loop decrease fact在循环结束时减少事实
  6. Print answer using console.log使用 console.log 打印答案

The pseudocode is伪代码是

  if factorial == 0 or factorial == 1
  result => result * factorial
  factorial  => factorial - 1

My code below isn't complete because I'm confused by the pseudocode.我下面的代码不完整,因为我对伪代码感到困惑。

function nth_fact(nth){
var a = 1
if (nth_fact == 0 || nth_fact == 1){
result => result * nth_fact
nth_fact => nth - 1

At first lets examine what went wrong:首先让我们检查一下出了什么问题:

var a = 1

What is a ?什么a ? Its definetly not a good name for a variable.它绝对不是一个变量的好名字。 Maybe name it to result ?也许将其命名为result The same applies to nth which should be named factorial and nth_fact which should rather be factorize or sth.这同样适用于应该命名为factorialnth和应该命名为factorize或 sth 的nth_fact You should also always use ;您还应该始终使用; to end a statement.结束陈述。


As your while loop contains multiple statements (the if and the two assignments) you need to open a block here by using { right after the condition.由于您的 while 循环包含多个语句( if和两个赋值),因此您需要在条件之后使用{在此处打开一个块。 nth_fact refers to the function, you rather want to take factorial here. nth_fact指的是函数,你宁愿在这里取factorial

 if (nth_fact == 0 || nth_fact == 1){

Now you open a block statement for the if, but you never close it.现在你为 if 打开一个块语句,但你永远不会关闭它。 So you need another } after the break.所以休息后你需要另一个}

result => result * nth_fact
nth_fact => nth - 1

=> is the arrow function expression, but you want the assignment operator = . =>是箭头函数表达式,但您需要赋值运算符= Also you need to pass something to console.log, eg console.log(result)您还需要向console.log 传递一些东西,例如console.log(result)

All together:全部一起:

 function factorize(factorial){
   var result = 1;
     if (factorial == 0 || factorial == 1){
     // ?
     factorial = factorial - 1;
  return result;

That pseudocode is indeed confusing, because what it calls factorial is actually not the factorial -- it's the current value, which the result (which is actually the factorial we're looking for) is multiplied by.该伪代码确实令人困惑,因为它所谓的factorial实际上不是阶乘——它是当前值,结果(实际上是我们正在寻找的阶乘)乘以它。 Also, if is superfluous, because while already checks for the same condition.另外, if是多余的,因为while已经检查了相同的条件。 So the correct pseudocode would be所以正确的伪代码是

currentValue = argument
factorial = 1

while (currentValue > 1)
    factorial = factorial * currentValue
    currentValue = currentValue - 1

// now, 'factorial' is the factorial of the 'argument'

Once you get this sorted out, here's a bonus assignment:一旦你解决了这个问题,这是一个奖励任务:

  • create a function range(a, b) that creates an array of numbers from a to b .创建一个函数range(a, b) ,它创建一个从ab的数字数组。 For example, range(5, 8) => [5, 6, 7, 8]例如, range(5, 8) => [5, 6, 7, 8]
  • create a function product(array) that multiples array elements by each other.创建一个函数product(array)将数组元素彼此相乘。 For example, product([2, 3, 7]) => 42例如, product([2, 3, 7]) => 42
  • write the factorial function using product and range使用productrange编写阶乘函数

 function factorial(num) { var result = 1 while (num) { if ((num) == 0 || (num) == 1) { break; } else { result = result * num; num = num - 1; } } return `The factorial of ${val} is ${result}` } let val = prompt("Please Enter the number : ", "0"); var x = parseInt(val); console.log(factorial(x));

A Short And Clean Code is :一个简短而干净的代码是:

 let number = 5; let numberFactorial = number; while(number > 1){ numberFactorial = numberFactorial * (number-1); number--; } console.log(numberFactorial);

I solve this this way我这样解决

 function factorial(number) { let num = 1; let result = 1; while (num <= number) { result = result * num; num++; } return result; } const myNumber = factorial(6); console.log(myNumber);

You used the right approach.你使用了正确的方法。 Just the syntax was wrong.只是语法错误。 Here it is:这里是:

function nth_fact(nth){
var result = 1 ;
  if ((nth) == 0 || (nth) == 1)
    break ;
  result = result * nth;
  nth = nth - 1
return result;

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