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[英]Scheme - Finding the sum of fractions from -n to n

So I have to make a function called frac-sum the takes the sum of a fraction of two functions from -n to n so f(n)/g(n) as the fraction and the sum from -n to n so f(-n)/g(-n) + ... f(n)/g(n) 因此,我必须制作一个名为frac-sum的函数,将两个函数从-n到n的分数之和作为f(n)/ g(n)作为分数,并将从-n到n的总和作为f( -n)/ g(-n)+ ... f(n)/ g(n)

It takes three formal parameters fg and n. 它采用三个形式参数fg和n。

So far I have this which should work but ends up going in a recursive loop meaning there is something wrong with my base case: 到目前为止,我已经可以正常运行了,但是最终却陷入了递归循环,这意味着我的基本情况有问题:

    (define (negn n) (- (* n -1) 1))
    (negn 1)

    (define (frac-sum f g n)
      (cond ((= n (negn n)) 0)
            ((= (g n) 0) (+ 0 (frac-sum f g (- n 1))))
            ((+ (/ (f n) (g n)) (frac-sum f g (- n 1))))))

And I used this to test it which should output two: 我用它来测试它应该输出两个:

(frac-sum (lambda (x) (- x 1)) (lambda(x) x) 1) (分数总和(lambda(x)(-x 1))(lambda(x)x)1)

There does not exist an integer n for which the statement n = (n * -1) - 1 will hold true. 没有整数n ,语句n = (n * -1) - 1会成立。 This is the cause of your function's infinite loop. 这是函数无限循环的原因。

Since you want to iterate over the range [-n, n] , you can define the two values in your function, and either increment the lower bound, or decrement the upper bound recursively. 由于要在[-n, n]范围内进行迭代,因此可以在函数中定义两个值,然后递归增大下限或减小上限。 You can then terminate the function by testing whether the lower bound is equal to the upper bound. 然后可以通过测试下限是否等于上限来终止该函数。

(define (frac-sum f g n)
  (let loop ((neg (- n)) (pos n) (acc 0))
      ((= neg pos) acc)
      ((zero? (g neg))
       (loop (add1 neg) pos acc))
       (loop (add1 neg) pos (+ (/ (f neg) (g neg)) acc))))))

For example: 例如:

(frac-sum (lambda (x) (- x 1)) (lambda (x) x) 1)
=> 2

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