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如何在加载 AngularJS 之前初始化第三方 JavaScript 异步库

[英]How to Initialize third party JavaScript asynchronous library before loading AngularJS

I'm facing problem while initializing a third party JavaScript API (iHUB) inside RUN method of AngularJS.我在 AngularJS 的 RUN 方法中初始化第三方 JavaScript API (iHUB) 时遇到问题。 Currently the code is behaving in asynchronous mode.目前,代码在异步模式下运行。 I want IHUB to first initialize and then AngularJS route/controller should get called.我希望 IHUB 首先初始化,然后应该调用 AngularJS 路由/控制器。 (Is it possible to make utilization of the callback method provided by IHUB ?) (是否可以利用 IHUB 提供的回调方法?)

var nameApp = angular.module('nameApp', ['ngRoute']);

nameApp.run(['$window', 'myService', function($window, myService) {

   //initialize IHUB
   var actuate= new actuate();
   actuate.initialize('http://localhost:8700/iportal', settings.reqOps, "user", "pwd", callback);

   function callback(){


nameApp.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    when('/:tabname', {
      templateUrl: 'pages/analyticsDetail.html',
      controller: 'tabDetailCtrl'
    when('/:tabname/:reportName', {
      templateUrl: 'pages/analyticsDetail.html',
      controller: 'reportDetailCtrl'
      redirectTo: '/Buy Side Dashboard'

There is only one way to achieve a "real" before AngularJS initialization behavior by using angular.bootstrap();只有一种方法可以通过使用angular.bootstrap()在 AngularJS 初始化行为之前实现“真实” . . This allows you to initialize your AngularJS application manually.这允许您手动初始化 AngularJS 应用程序。

Note: You should not use the ng-app directive when manually bootstrapping your app.注意:在手动引导应用程序时,不应使用 ng-app 指令。

> Fiddle demo >小提琴演示


<div ng-controller="MyController">
  Hello, {{greetMe}}!


angular.module('myApp', [])
  .controller('MyController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.greetMe = 'World';

var actuateDummy = {
  initialize: function (callback) {
    setTimeout(callback, 2500);

actuateDummy.initialize(function () {
  angular.element(function() {
    angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);

This is an other approach which uses the resolve state of ui-router .这是另一种使用ui-router resolve状态的方法。 This service only initializes iHUB if it not has been initialized yet:此服务仅在尚未初始化的情况下初始化iHUB

This service also returns the actuate object.该服务还返回actuate对象。 In that way you can use it in your controller or components after init.通过这种方式,您可以在 init 之后在您的控制器或组件中使用它。

> Demo fiddle >演示小提琴


  <a ui-sref="state1">State 1</a>
  <a ui-sref="state2">State 2</a>

<div ui-view></div>

AngularJS Application AngularJS 应用

var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["ui.router"]);

myApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
  $stateProvider.state("state1", {
    url: "#",
    template: "<p>State 1</p>",
    controller: "Ctrl1",
    resolve: {
      iHubInit: function(iHubService) {
        return iHubService.init()
  }).state("state2", {
    url: "#",
    template: "<p>State 2</p>",
    controller: "Ctrl2",
    resolve: {
      iHubInit: function(iHubService) {
        return iHubService.init()

myApp.controller("Ctrl1", function($scope, iHubService) {
  console.log("Ctrl1 loaded.");

myApp.controller("Ctrl2", function($scope, iHubService) {
  console.log("Ctrl2 loaded.");

myApp.service('iHubService', ["$q", function($q) {

  this.iHubServiceInitialized = false;
  this.actuate = null;

  this.init = function() {

    if (!this.iHubServiceInitialized) {

      var self = this;
      var deferred = $q.defer();
      this.actuate = new actuate();

      this.actuate.initialize('http://localhost:8700/iportal', settings.reqOps, "user", "pwd", function() {
        self.iHubServiceInitialized = true;

      return deferred.promise;
    } else {
      return this.actuate;

Try to add a resolve attribute when configuring your route provider like below:在配置路由提供程序时尝试添加解析属性,如下所示:

var nameApp = angular.module('nameApp', ['ngRoute']);

nameApp.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    when('/:tabname', {
      templateUrl: 'pages/analyticsDetail.html',
      controller: 'tabDetailCtrl',
      resolve: {
                ihubInit: ['iHubService', function (iHubService) {
                    return iHubService.init();
    when('/:tabname/:reportName', {
      templateUrl: 'pages/analyticsDetail.html',
      controller: 'reportDetailCtrl',
      resolve: {
                ihubInit: ['iHubService', function (iHubService) {
                    return iHubService.init();
      redirectTo: '/Buy Side Dashboard'

nameApp.service('iHubService', ["$q", function($q){
  this.init = function() {
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    var actuate= new actuate();
    actuate.initialize('http://localhost:8700/iportal', settings.reqOps, "user", "pwd", callback);

    function callback(){
    return deferred.promise;

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