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角度 d3 无法使用 *ngFor 唯一呈现

[英]angular d3 not rendering uniquely with *ngFor

i am trying to implement angular-d3-donut to my web application.我正在尝试在我的 Web 应用程序中实现angular-d3-donut each has one SVG(donut) .每个都有一个SVG(donut) so if i generate using *ngFor there'll be multiple with one SVG(donut).因此,如果我使用 *ngFor 生成,将有多个带有一个 SVG(甜甜圈)。 but problem is that, if i try to generate multiple by *ngFor, only one is creating and multiple SVG(donut) nesting inside the single .但问题是,如果我尝试通过 *ngFor 生成多个,则只有一个正在创建,并且多个 SVG(甜甜圈)嵌套在单个. so i am getting design mismatching and different result.所以我得到了设计不匹配和不同的结果。


<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3" *ngFor="let x of [1,2,3,4]; let myIndex = index">
         <angular-d3-donut  [data]="donutChartData" [outerRadius]=60 [innerRadius]=20 [spreadSlice]=true [iconWidth]=20 [iconHeight]=20 ></angular-d3-donut>


public donutChartData = [{
        id: 0, // number
        label: 'A',  // string
        value: 70,  // number
        color: '#ccc',  // string,
        iconImage: 'https://avatars.discourse.org/v2/letter/a/a8b319/45.png' // string
    }, {
        id: 1, // number
        label: 'B',  // string
        value: 30,  // number
        color: '#DA4F49',  // string,
        iconImage: 'https://avatars.discourse.org/v2/letter/a/a8b319/45.png' // string

Inspected HTML Output检查的 HTML 输出在此处输入图像描述

I think the problem is that you are plotting in the same "dountChart" div each time.我认为问题在于您每次都在同一个“dountChart”div 中进行绘图。 If you want to create a new div, you need to change the id of each "dountChart".如果你想创建一个新的div,你需要改变每个“dountChart”的id。 For instance, let's suppose I want to plot multiple circles (your dount charts) so I have this HTML:例如,假设我想绘制多个圆圈(你的圆点图),所以我有这个 HTML:

<div *ngFor="let item of options.items; index as i">
    <angular-d3-donut [index]="i"></angular-d3-donut>

Let's say that item is my dummy data.假设该item是我的虚拟数据。 If you pass the index i to your angular-d3-donut component you can use it to identify your multiple DOM elements如果将索引i传递给angular-d3-donut组件,则可以使用它来识别多个 DOM 元素

    selector: 'angular-d3-donut',
    templateUrl: './angular-d3-donut.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./angular-d3-donut.component.css']

export class AngularD3Donut implements OnInit 
    private circle: any; // Is Circle class
    private container: any; // div
    @Input() public index: number = 0;
    @Input() public height: number = 20;
    public color: string = 'black';

    constructor() {}
    ngOnInit(): void 
        this.container = d3.select('#dountChart') // First select the original id
            .attr('id', 'dountChart' + this.index) // Now, change the id to make it unique
            .style('height', this.height.toString() + "px")
            .style('background-color', 'red');

        this.circle = new Circle(10, this.color, 10, 10, this.index); // Circle(radius, 'color', coor_x, coor_y, index)

class Circle
    private container: any; //svg
    private circle: any;

    constructor(private radius: number, private color: string, private x: number, private y: number, private index: number)
        this.container = d3.select('#circle') // First, select the original id
            .attr('x', this.x)
            .attr('y', this.y)
            .attr('height', this.radius * 2)
            .attr('id', 'circle'+this.index); // Now, change the id to make it unique

        this.circle = this.container.append('circle')
            .attr('cx', this.x)
            .attr('cy', this.y)
            .attr('r', this.radius)
            .style('fill', this.color);

And the html component of AngularD3Donut is: AngularD3Donut 的 html 组件是:

<div id='dountChart'>
    <svg id='circle'></svg>

If you change the id each time, then the original id always will be the next element in the iteration如果每次都更改 id,那么原始 id 将始终是迭代中的下一个元素




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