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[英]Count how many times a sublist is in a list

I want to know how many times a sublist is in a list next to eachother. 我想知道子列表在彼此相邻的列表中有多少次。

From another question, I received the following code to determinate if a sublist is in a list: 从另一个问题中,我收到以下代码来确定子列表是否在列表中:

list_sequence = ['Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16']

my_list = ['Example 128', 'Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16', 'Example 256', 'Example 512', 'Example 1024']

print(str(list_sequence)[1:-1] in str(my_list))

But I want to know, how many times the list_sequence is NEXT to each other to determinate a combo. 但是我想知道, list_sequence是彼此相邻的多少次来确定组合。 In the top example its 1, but if I would append list_sequence at the start and at the very end, it still would 1. If I would add it right after Example 16 in my_list , it would be 2. 在最上面的示例中,它是1,但是如果我在开头和list_sequence处附加list_sequence ,它仍将是1。如果我将它添加到my_list示例16之后,它将是2。

You can use zip and enumerate within a list comprehension to find the respective indices of places where your sub_list occurs. 您可以在列表理解中使用zipenumerate来查找出现sub_list的位置的相应索引。 Then select those who's subtraction is equal to 3 (length of sub_list): 然后选择那些相减等于3(sub_list的长度)的对象:

In [6]: list_sequence = ['Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16']
   ...: my_list = ['Example 128', 'Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16', 'Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16', 'Example 256', 'Example 512', 'E
   ...: xample 1024','Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16']

In [7]: indices = [index for index, (i, j, k) in enumerate(zip(my_list, my_list[1:], my_list[2:])) if list_sequence == [i, j, k]]
Out[7]: [1, 4, 10]

In [8]: sum(2 * (j-i == len(list_sequence)) for i, j in zip(indices, indices[1:]))
Out[8]: 2

You an only use a generator expression within sum to find the number of occurrences: 您只能使用sum内的生成器表达式来查找出现次数:

In [4]: sum(list_sequence == [i, j, k] for i, j, k in zip(my_list, my_list[1:], my_list[2:]))
Out[4]: 1

But note that this will also include overlaps because zip(my_list, my_list[1:], my_list[2:])) will give you all consequent triples. 但是请注意,这还将包括重叠,因为zip(my_list, my_list[1:], my_list[2:]))会给您所有随后的三元组。

Count By creating dictionary of list_sequence 通过创建list_sequence字典进行计数

list_sequence = ['Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16']

my_list = ['Example 128', 'Example 64', 'Example 32', 'Example 16','Example 16', 'Example 256', 'Example 512', 'Example 1024']
for i in list_sequence :
    for j in my_list :
        if i==j:

{'Example 64': 1, 'Example 32': 1, 'Example 16': 2} {“示例64”:1,“示例32”:1,“示例16”:2}

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