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[英]How to draw a crosshair in Unity (2D)

I have a Player class with an OnGUI() method, in which I'm calculating the position of a crosshair I want to draw. 我有一个带有OnGUI()方法的Player类,在其中计算要绘制的十字准线的位置。 Also in the same scene, I have a Canvas GameComponent called Crosshair (on the UI layer), which has an Image child which contains the crosshair sprite/image. 同样在同一场景中,我有一个名为Crosshair(在UI层上)的Canvas GameComponent,它具有一个Image子对象,其中包含Crosshair子画面/图像。 I haven't been able to find this anywhere, but how do I tell the code in OnGUI() to take this Crosshair object and render it at a specific position? 我一直无法在任何地方找到它,但是我如何告诉OnGUI()的代码采用此Crosshair对象并将其呈现在特定位置? Old answers suggest using Texture2D but that's been deprecated by now... 旧答案建议使用Texture2D但现在已不建议使用...

Please check if you are converting the position of your crosshair from world to screen By using Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint . 请使用Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint检查是否将十字准线的位置从世界转换为屏幕。

Also look at the link https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint.html 还要查看链接https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint.html

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