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[英]Swipe left and right on RecyclerView

In Xamarin Android I have a screen with a RecyclerView. 在Xamarin Android中,我的屏幕带有RecyclerView。 The RecyclerView's data is filtered by a date. RecyclerView的数据按日期过滤。 What I want to achieve is that I can use a swipe left and swipe right on the RecyclerView to go to the next or previous date, but let a single tap/click on an item be handled by the RecyclerView itself. 我想要实现的是,我可以在RecyclerView上向左滑动和向右滑动以转到下一个或上一个日期,但是让RecyclerView本身处理一个项目即可。 Does someone know how to do this? 有人知道该怎么做吗?

What I want to achieve is that I can use a swipe left and swipe right on the RecyclerView to go to the next or previous date, but let a single tap/click on an item be handled by the RecyclerView itself 我想要实现的是,我可以在RecyclerView上向左滑动和向右滑动来转到下一个或上一个日期,但是让RecyclerView自己处理一个项目即可

Basically what you need to do is to embed your RecyclerView into ViewPager . 基本上,您需要做的是将RecyclerView嵌入到ViewPager You can do that by following below steps: 您可以按照以下步骤操作:

  1. Install Xamarin.Android.support.v7.App and Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 nuget packages and their dependencies. 安装Xamarin.Android.support.v7.AppXamarin.Android.Support.v4 nuget软件包及其依赖项。

  2. Create a Fragment and its layout as page of your ViewPager and also responsible for demonstrating the RecyclerView . ViewPager页面上创建一个Fragment及其布局,并负责演示RecyclerView

  3. Create the ViewPager and its adapter and use it in your Activity . 创建ViewPager及其适配器,并在Activity使用它。

  4. Generate RecyclerView in Fragment's OnCreateView . 在Fragment的OnCreateView生成RecyclerView

Notes: you also need to conduct your data source to get the group information of your data, in order to pass it to ViewPager . 注意:您还需要执行数据源以获取数据的组信息,然后将其传递给ViewPager

For detailed codes, you can refer to my complete demo: EmbedRecyclerViewToViewPager ; 有关详细代码,请参阅我的完整演示: EmbedRecyclerViewToViewPager ;

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