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如何使用Watson Conversation和Slack打造聊天机器人?

[英]How make a chatbot with Watson Conversation and Slack?

I want to build a Slack bot that can answer support queries. 我想构建一个可以回答支持查询的Slack机器人。 I've designed the conversation in Watson Conversation, but now I want to deploy it to Slack channels. 我已经在Watson Conversation中设计了对话,但是现在我想将其部署到Slack频道。

Ideally I don't want to have to develop and host an application to broker messages between the two systems. 理想情况下,我不需要开发和托管用于在两个系统之间代理消息的应用程序。

Is there any platform or solution that I can use? 我可以使用任何平台或解决方案吗?

There are two possible solutions that I can think of. 我可以想到两种可能的解决方案。

Watson Conversation offers some basic integration with Slack through an application you can deploy yourself in a container. Watson Conversation通过可将自己部署在容器中的应用程序提供了与Slack的一些基本集成。 I believe they have a repo in their github ( https://github.com/IBM/slack-watson-bot ). 我相信他们在他们的github( https://github.com/IBM/slack-watson-bot )中有一个仓库。 You'll have to host this somewhere, though Bluemix offers some basic free hosting for a limited time. 您必须在某个地方托管它,尽管Bluemix在有限的时间内提供了一些基本的免费托管。 There are plenty of tutorials out there for spinning up containers in Bluemix. 有很多教程可以在Bluemix中扩展容器。

An alternative solution (disclosure - this is my company) that wouldn't require hosting or development would be to use Bothaus ( https://bothaus.io ). 不需要托管或开发的另一种解决方案(公开,这是我的公司)将使用Bothaus( https://bothaus.io )。 Bothaus lets you configure integration between Slack and Watson Conversation without hosting or coding anything. Bothaus允许您配置Slack和Watson Conversation之间的集成,而无需托管或编码任何内容。

In Watson Conversation while in your conversation workspace, click on the Deploy icon. 在对话工作区中的“ Watson对话”中,单击“部署”图标。


After that, click deploy on the Slack card. 之后,单击Slack卡上的部署。 Click "Deploy to Slack App", and follow the steps. 单击“部署到Slack应用程序”,然后按照步骤操作。

You should not need to code anything, just fill related fields with data. 您无需编写任何代码,只需在相关字段中填充数据即可。

Just be aware, if your URLs you are requested to enter into slack contain spaces, change them to %20 so that Slack will recognise the URL. 请注意,如果要求您输入Slack的URL包含空格,请将其更改为%20以便Slack可以识别该URL。

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