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[英]How can I join the ArangoDB community of developers?

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this question but honestly there doesn't seem to be a right forum. 对于这个问题的论坛不正确,我深表歉意,但老实说,似乎没有合适的论坛。 Can someone tell me who to contact if I would like to join the ArangoDB community and contribute? 如果我想加入ArangoDB社区并做出贡献,有人可以告诉我与谁联系?

Thank you, Andrew 谢谢安德鲁

Start by getting familiar with the ArangoDB presence on GitHub at https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb 从熟悉https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb上GitHub上的ArangoDB存在开始

They have a number of ways to get in touch with the ArangoDB community as well as contribute to the project. 他们有多种方法可以与ArangoDB社区联系并为该项目做出贡献。

Also check the ArangoDB web site at https://arangodb.com/community/ 另请访问ArangoDB网站,网址为https://arangodb.com/community/

Did you find these sites while Googling how to get involved? 您在谷歌搜索时如何找到这些网站?

I'm interested if they didn't appear in your search results. 如果它们没有出现在您的搜索结果中,我很感兴趣。

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