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[英]calculate with month, part of months

What I need is to calculate the availability (WTF) in a month and divide them by the days of the month from a selected period of months. 我需要的是计算一个月内的可用性(WTF),并将其除以所选月份中的每月天数。

The formula should be: WTF/total days a month * available days of month = result 公式应为:WTF /一个月的总天数*一个月的可用天数=结果

for example: 例如:

period: 07-09-2017 - 15-11-2017
WTF: 0.5

Should result in: 应导致:

September: 0,4000
October:   0,5000
November:  0,2500

My question is how to calculate the result when there are more then 2 months in the period. 我的问题是,当此期间超过2个月时,如何计算结果。 I cannot figure out how to calculate the results of the months between the first and last month, so in this case of the month October. 我无法弄清楚如何计算第一个月和上个月之间的月份的结果,因此在这种情况下为十月份。

Here's some code to get you started. 这是一些入门的代码。 It outputs the values in one string, but you can easily have it output to three different cells: 它以一个字符串输出值,但是您可以轻松地将其输出到三个不同的单元格:

Public Function OutputWork(first As Date, last As Date, wtf As Double)
    Dim worked As Object, total As Object
    Dim i As Date
    Dim j As Long
    Dim mnth As String, key As String
    Dim v As Variant

    Set worked = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set total = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    For i = WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(first, -1) + 1 To WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(last, 0)
        mnth = Format(i, "mmmm")
        If Not total.exists(mnth) Then
            total.Add key:=mnth, Item:=1
        Else: total.Item(mnth) = total.Item(mnth) + 1
        End If

        If Not worked.exists(mnth) Then worked.Add key:=mnth, Item:=0
        If i >= first And i <= last Then worked.Item(mnth) = worked.Item(mnth) + 1
    Next i

    ReDim v(LBound(total.keys()) To UBound(total.keys()))
    For j = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
        key = total.keys()(j)
        v(j) = key & ":" & wtf / total.Item(key) * worked.Item(key)
    Next j

    OutputWork = Join(v, ", ")
End Function

Use the function on the worksheet like this: 使用工作表上的函数,如下所示:



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