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Angular FormArray 内容顺序

[英]Angular FormArray contents order


I have the below setup:我有以下设置:

App.Component.Ts contents App.Component.Ts 内容

carForm: FormGroup;

    private fb: FormBuilder
  ) { 
    this.carForm= this.fb.group({
      name: '',
      type: '',
      extras: this.fb.array([])

get carExtras(): FormArray {
    return this.carForm.get('extras') as FormArray;

addNewExtra() {
   this.carExtras.push(this.fb.group(new Extra());

Extra Model额外 Model

export class Extra {
name: string = '';
description: string = '';

Now lets say i add 4 new Extras, the array would look as follows:现在假设我添加了 4 个新的 Extras,数组将如下所示:

1. name = "Phantom Wheels", description = "Big dark wheels coz driver is overcompensating"
2. name = "Clearshield", description = "Simple tint that we overcharge customers"
3. name = "Rainbow Paint Job", description = "Leftover random paints mixed and thrown onto car"
4. name = "Slick Rims", description = "Major overcompensation"

I want to be able to programmatically change the order of the 4 items listed.我希望能够以编程方式更改列出的 4 个项目的顺序。 Say i click up button next to "Slick Rims", it will swap positions with "Rainbow Paint Job" item.假设我单击“Slick Rims”旁边的向上按钮,它将与“Rainbow Paint Job”项目交换位置。 If i press it again it will swap positions with "Clearshield" with result as follows.如果我再次按下它,它将与“Clearshield”交换位置,结果如下。

1. name = "Phantom Wheels", description = "Big dark wheels coz driver is overcompensating"
2. name = "Slick Rims", description = "Major overcompensation"
3. name = "Clearshield", description = "Simple tint that we overcharge customers"
4. name = "Rainbow Paint Job", description = "Leftover random paints mixed and thrown onto car"

Same principle if i press the down button for the entry.如果我按下条目的向下按钮,原理相同。

Any ideas how to achieve this, its doing my head in on how to achieve this with a FormArray.任何想法如何实现这一点,我都在思考如何使用 FormArray 实现这一点。

Assuming your form array looks like this in HTML: 假设您的表单数组在HTML中如下所示:

  <div formArrayName="extras">
    <div *ngFor="let extra of carForm.get('extras').controls; let i=index" [formGroupName]="i" >
      <input formControlName="name">
      <input formControlName="description">
      <button (click)="moveUp(i)"> UP </button>
      <button (click)="moveDown(i)"> DOWN </button>

you can create moveUp and moveDown functions to swap values at indexes (i-1, i) or (i, i+1) if it is possible 您可以创建moveUpmoveDown函数以在索引(i-1,i)或(i,i + 1)处交换值

  moveUp(index: number) {
    if (index > 0) {
          const extrasFormArray = this.carForm.get('extras') as FormArray;
          const extras = extrasFormArray.value;
          const newExtras = this.swap(extras, index - 1, index); 

  moveDown(index: number) {
    const extrasFormArray = this.carForm.get('extras') as FormArray;
    const extras = extrasFormArray.value;
    if (index < extras.length - 1) {
      const newExtras = this.swap(extras, index, index + 1); 

swap function: 交换功能:

  swap(arr: any[], index1: number, index2: number): any[] {
    arr = [...arr];
    const temp = arr[index1];
    arr[index1] = arr[index2];
    arr[index2] = temp;
    return arr;

demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-bhcdcf 演示: https : //stackblitz.com/edit/angular-bhcdcf

EDIT: Actually we can simplify that to single function 编辑:实际上,我们可以将其简化为单个功能

  swap(index1: number, index2: number) {
    const extrasFormArray = this.carForm.get('extras') as FormArray;
    const extras = [...extrasFormArray.value];
    if (index2 > 0 && index1 < extras.length - 1) {
      [extras[index1], extras[index2]] = [extras[index2], extras[index1]];

which would be called with appropriate indexes 将使用适当的索引来调用

  <button (click)="swap(i - 1, i)"> UP </button>
  <button (click)="swap(i, i + 1)"> DOWN </button>

demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-9gifvd 演示: https : //stackblitz.com/edit/angular-9gifvd

EDIT 2 by Aeseir: Aeseir编辑2:

Further simplification and following DRY principle (at least attempting to): 进一步简化并遵循DRY原理(至少尝试这样做):

get extras(): FormArray {
  return this.carForm.get('extras') as FormArray;

moveUp(index: number) {
  var extraTmp = this.extras.at(index);
  this.extras.insert(index-1, extraTmp);

moveDown(index: number) {
  var extraTmp = this.extras.at(index-1);
  this.extras.insert(index, extraTmp);

removeExtra(index: number) {

If you have FormGroup in FormArray and FormGroup also has FormArray, you'll want to just swap them around.如果您在 FormArray 中有 FormGroup 并且 FormGroup 也有 FormArray,那么您只需交换它们即可。 The next example works for me:下一个示例适用于我:

import { FormArray } from '@angular/forms';

const swap = <T>(items: T[], a: number, b: number): T[] => {
  switch (true) {
    case a < 0:
    case b < 0:
    case a > items.length - 1:
    case b > items.length - 1:
      throw new Error('Undefined swap index');
  return items.map((_, i) => {
    switch (i) {
      case a:
        return items[b];
      case b:
        return items[a];
        return items[i];

export const swapFormArray = <T extends FormArray>(formArray: T, a: number, b: number): void => {
  formArray.controls = swap(formArray.controls, a, b);

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