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在Angular 2中遍历嵌套的FormArray

[英]Traversing a nested FormArray in Angular 2

I am trying to traverse through a nested FormArray to keep track of a set of questions, each given their own 'FormControl'. 我试图遍历嵌套的FormArray来跟踪一组问题,每个问题都有自己的“ FormControl”。 I have created a FormArray called 'groups' as such. 我已经创建了一个名为“ groups”的FormArray。 The hierarchy goes Groups[Questions[Answers]] 层次结构进入小组[问题[答案]]

constructor(private surveyService: SurveyService, @Inject(FormBuilder) private fb: FormBuilder) {
    this.survey = <Survey>SURVEYS[0];

    this.reactiveForm = fb.group({
      name: ['', Validators.required],
      groups: fb.array(this.getGroups())


getGroups() : AbstractControl[] {
    return Array.apply(null,
      Array(this.survey.groups.length)).map((x, index) => new FormArray(this.getQuestions(index)))

getQuestions(index) : AbstractControl[] {
    return Array.apply(null,
      Array(this.survey.groups[index].questions.length)).map(x => new FormControl(x, Validators.required));

Here is my HTML code: 这是我的HTML代码:

<form [formGroup]="reactiveForm">
  <div formArrayName="groups">
    <div *ngFor="let group of survey.groups; index as groupIndex" [formArrayName]=groupIndex>
      <div *ngFor="let question of group.questions; index as questionIndex" [formArrayName]=questionIndex>
        <label *ngFor="let answer of question.responses ; index as answerIndex">
          <input type="radio" [value]=answerIndex [formControlName]=questionIndex>{{answer}}

I figure it to work as such: the first ngFor pulls the array of Questions, the second ngFor pulls the array of answers, and then the final ngFor uses [formControlName] in order to bind each question to the same Control, giving it a unique answer. 我认为它是这样工作的:第一个ngFor提取问题数组,第二个ngFor提取答案数组,然后最后的ngFor使用[formControlName]以便将每个问题绑定到相同的控件,从而为其赋予唯一性回答。 However, the error I get is this: 但是,我得到的错误是这样的:

Error: Cannot find control with path: 'groups -> 0 -> 0 -> 0'

If Groups[0] is an array and Groups[0][0] is also an array, why does the [0] of that suddenly not exist anymore? 如果Groups [0]是一个数组,而Groups [0] [0]也是一个数组,为什么突然不存在其中的[0]呢? How should one go about traversing a FormArray like this? 应该如何遍历这样的FormArray?

Here is what you have created: 这是您创建的:


Now look at your template: 现在看一下您的模板:

<form [formGroup]="reactiveForm">
  <div formArrayName="groups">
    <div ... [formArrayName]=groupIndex>
      <div ... [formArrayName]=questionIndex>
             Do you see such FormArray in your FormGroup? I don't
        <label *ngFor="let answer of question.responses ; index as answerIndex">
          <input ...[formControlName]=questionIndex>...

As you can see you Angular can't find FormControl by path groups -> 0 -> 0 -> 0 because it should be groups -> 0 -> 0 如您所见,Angular无法通过路径groups -> 0 -> 0 -> 0找到FormControl,因为它应该是groups -> 0 -> 0

So if you will remove redundant [formArrayName]=questionIndex directive then it should work. 因此,如果您要删除多余的[formArrayName]=questionIndex指令,则它应该可以工作。

Ng-run Example Ng运行示例

Tip: use <pre>{{reactiveForm.value | json}}</pre> 提示:使用<pre>{{reactiveForm.value | json}}</pre> <pre>{{reactiveForm.value | json}}</pre> to test FormGroup structure <pre>{{reactiveForm.value | json}}</pre>测试FormGroup结构

For demo I used simple structure: 对于演示,我使用了简单的结构:

export class Group {
  title: string;
  questions: Question[] = [];


export class Question {
  title: string;
  answers: Answer[] = [];    

export class Answer {
  id: number;
  title: string;

StackBlitz Demo StackBlitz演示

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