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[英]How to slice a np.array using a list of unknown length?

I am probably using the wrong names/notation (and an answer probably exists on SO, but I can't find it). 我可能使用了错误的名称/符号(并且答案可能存在于SO上,但我找不到它)。 Please help me clarify so that I can update the post, and help people like me in the future. 请帮助我澄清一下,以便我可以更新帖子,并在以后帮助像我这样的人。

I have an array A of unknown dimension n , and a list of indexes of unknown length l , where l<=n . 我有一个未知维n的数组A和一个未知长度l的索引列表,其中l<=n

I want to be able to select the slice of A that correspond to the indexes in l . 我希望能够选择与l的索引相对应的A的切片。 Ie I want: 即我要:

A = np.zeros([3,4,5])
idx = [1,3]
B = # general command I am looking for

B_bad = A[idx] # shape = (2,4,5), not what I want!
B_manual = A[idx[0], idx[1]] # shape = (5), what I want, but as a general expression.
# it is okay that the indexes are in order i.e. 0, 1, 2, ...

You need a tuple: 您需要一个元组:

>>> A[tuple(idx)]
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
>>> A[tuple(idx)].shape

Indexing with a list doesn't have the same meaning. list索引的含义不同。 See numpy 's documentation on indexing for more information. 有关更多信息,请参见numpy 有关索引文档

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