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[英]Neo4j cypher query: AllShortestPaths with specified nodes and relationship properties

i'm new to neo4j. 我是Neo4j的新手。

I created this example: 我创建了以下示例:

//         (Node2)
//         /     \
//   Rel2 /       \ Rel3
//       /         \
// (Node1) ------> (Node3)
//          Rel1
// create nodes
// create relationships
CREATE (n1)-[r1:Rel1{id:11,rights:["admin"]}]->(n3)
CREATE (n1)-[r2:Rel2{id:12,rights:["admin","user"]}]->(n2)
CREATE (n2)-[r3:Rel3{id:13,rights:["admin","user"]}]->(n3)
RETURN n1,n2,n3,r1,r2,r3

Each node and relationship has a property array with some rights values. 每个节点和关系都有一个带有一些权限值的属性数组。 I want to create a query that gives me (shortest) paths between two nodes with specified properties. 我想创建一个查询,该查询为我提供具有指定属性的两个节点之间的(最短)路径。 Example: 例:

User has rights 'admin', the path should be: 用户具有“管理员”权限,路径应为:

(Node1)-[Rel1]->(Node3) (节点1)-[角色1]->(节点3)
(Each node and releationship has the 'admin' String in the 'rights' property.) (每个节点和关系在'rights'属性中都有'admin'字符串。)

If the user has the right 'user', the path should be: 如果用户具有正确的“用户”,则路径应为:

(Node1)-[Rel2]-(Node2)-[Rel3]-(Node3) (节点1)-[角色2]-(节点2)-[角色3]-(节点3)
(Because the Rel1 relation didn't have the 'user' String in the 'rights' property.) (因为Rel1关系在'rights'属性中没有'user'字符串。)

At first i tried this query that worked: 最初,我尝试了这个有效的查询:

WITH ["admin","otherRight"] AS usersRights
MATCH path=allShortestPaths((n1:Node1{id:1})-[*..4]-(n2:Node3{id:3})) 
WITH *, relationships(path) AS rels, nodes(path) as nodes
WHERE ANY (rel IN rels WHERE ANY(r IN rel.rights WHERE r IN usersRights))
AND ANY (node IN nodes WHERE ANY(r IN node.rights WHERE r IN usersRights))

Then i replaced the 'admin' with 'user', but this query didn't work (has no rusults): 然后,我用“用户”替换了“管理员”,但是此查询不起作用(没有鲁):

WITH ["user","otherRight"] AS usersRights
MATCH ... // same as above

The follwing query matches my needed result, but in this case, i would have to make several queries to get the desired result (shortest paths) for depth n. 以下查询与我所需的结果匹配,但是在这种情况下,我将不得不进行几次查询才能获得深度n的所需结果(最短路径)。

WITH ["user","otherRight"] AS usersRights
MATCH path=(n1:Node1{id:1})-[r1]-(n2)-[r2]-(n3:Node3{id:3}) 
WHERE ANY(r IN n1.rights WHERE r IN usersRights)
AND ANY(r IN r1.rights WHERE r IN usersRights)
AND ANY(r IN n2.rights WHERE r IN usersRights)
AND ANY(r IN r2.rights WHERE r IN usersRights)
AND ANY(r IN n3.rights WHERE r IN usersRights)

Is it possible to create a cypher query that gives me the disired results ? 是否可以创建一个密码查询,使我得到不良结果?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Your first query has a WITH clause separating the MATCH and WHERE clauses, which prevents the WHERE clause from affecting the behavior of the allshortestpath() function. 您的第一个查询具有一个WITH子句,该子句将MATCHWHERE子句分隔开,从而防止WHERE子句影响allshortestpath()函数的行为。 Therefore, the function was just returning the shortest path(s) without testing the nodes and relationships. 因此,该函数仅返回最短路径,而不测试节点和关系。

Try this, instead: 试试这个,代替:

WITH ["admin","otherRight"] AS usersRights
MATCH path=allShortestPaths((n1:Node1{id:1})-[*..4]-(n2:Node3{id:3})) 
  ANY (rel IN relationships(path) WHERE ANY(r IN rel.rights WHERE r IN usersRights)) AND
  ANY (node IN nodes(path) WHERE ANY(r IN node.rights WHERE r IN usersRights))
RETURN path;

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