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[英]Send html as value to textarea

I have a textbox where I put info to get new info based on that search using the folling html & script: 我有一个文本框,在其中放置信息以使用以下html和脚本基于该搜索获取新信息:


<input name="line" placeholder="Line" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { calculate(); return false; }" style="width:40px;" type="textbox">
<input value="Reset" type="reset">
<input id="call" placeholder="Entrepreneur" style="width:95px;" type="textbox">
<input id="number" placeholder="Phonenumber" style="width:110px;" type="textbox">


function calculate() {
  var line = document.buss.line.value;
  var ent;
  var num;

  switch(line) {
    case "12":
    case "27":
    case "30":
    <-- a lot of cases -->
      ent = "Entrepreneur";
      num = "Phonenumber";
    case "42":
    case "63":
    case "69":
    <-- a lot of cases -->
    ent = "Entrepreneur";
    num = "Number";
    document.buss.call.value = ent;
    document.buss.number.value = num;

All this works perfect but now I needed to put in some new information in a textarea but I can not get it to print the way I want. 所有这些工作都完美无缺,但是现在我需要在文本区域中输入一些新信息,但是我无法以我想要的方式打印它。 What I want is for the information to incude and 我要提供的信息是
but right now it prints this as text instead of html, is there a way to change this? 但是现在它以文本而不是html的形式打印出来,有没有办法改变它? also is there a way to print it directly to the page instead of having a lot of textboxes and textarea? 还有没有一种方法可以直接将其打印到页面上,而不需要使用大量的文本框和文本区域?


<input name="line" placeholder="Line" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { calculate(); return false; }" style="width:40px;" type="textbox">
<input value="Reset" type="reset">
<input id="call" placeholder="Entrepreneur" style="width:114px;" type="textbox">
<input id="number" placeholder="Number" style="width:90px;" type="textbox">
<textarea id="stop" placeholder="Stop" style="width:300px; height:650px"></textarea>


function calculate() {
  var line = document.buss.line.value;
  var ent;
  var num;
  var stop;

  switch(line) {
    case "1":
      ent = "Entrepreneur";
      num = "Number";
      stop = "<b>stop1</b><br>stop2<br>stop3<br><b>stop4</b>";
    case "2":
      ent = "Entrepreneur";
      num = "Number";
      stop = "<b>stop1</b><br>stop2<br>stop3<br><b>stop4</b>";
    document.buss.call.value = ent;
    document.buss.number.value = num;
    document.buss.stop.value = stop;

You can't render html inside a Textarea object. 您无法在Textarea对象内呈现html。 If you dont need the text to be editable, you can replace the inputs and textarea with div ou span tags, and replace it's content. 如果您不需要文本是可编辑的,则可以使用div或span标签替换输入和textarea,并替换其内容。

Example: 例:

If you replace this: 如果您替换此:

<textarea id="stop" placeholder="Stop" style="width:300px; height:650px"></textarea>

With this: 有了这个:

<div id="stop" style="width:300px; height:650px">Stop</div>

And replace this: 并替换为:

document.buss.stop.value = stop;

With this: 有了这个:

document.getElementById('stop').innerHTML = stop;

The html is rendered. html被渲染。

To make the Reset Button work, you will need to add a reset function. 要使“重置按钮”起作用,您将需要添加重置功能。 This should do the trick: 这应该可以解决问题:

<input onclick="resetHtml()" value="Reset" type="reset">

function resetHtml() {
    document.getElementById('stop').innerHTML = "Stop";

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