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Send html as value to textarea

I have a textbox where I put info to get new info based on that search using the folling html & script:


<input name="line" placeholder="Line" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { calculate(); return false; }" style="width:40px;" type="textbox">
<input value="Reset" type="reset">
<input id="call" placeholder="Entrepreneur" style="width:95px;" type="textbox">
<input id="number" placeholder="Phonenumber" style="width:110px;" type="textbox">


function calculate() {
  var line = document.buss.line.value;
  var ent;
  var num;

  switch(line) {
    case "12":
    case "27":
    case "30":
    <-- a lot of cases -->
      ent = "Entrepreneur";
      num = "Phonenumber";
    case "42":
    case "63":
    case "69":
    <-- a lot of cases -->
    ent = "Entrepreneur";
    num = "Number";
    document.buss.call.value = ent;
    document.buss.number.value = num;

All this works perfect but now I needed to put in some new information in a textarea but I can not get it to print the way I want. What I want is for the information to incude and
but right now it prints this as text instead of html, is there a way to change this? also is there a way to print it directly to the page instead of having a lot of textboxes and textarea?


<input name="line" placeholder="Line" onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { calculate(); return false; }" style="width:40px;" type="textbox">
<input value="Reset" type="reset">
<input id="call" placeholder="Entrepreneur" style="width:114px;" type="textbox">
<input id="number" placeholder="Number" style="width:90px;" type="textbox">
<textarea id="stop" placeholder="Stop" style="width:300px; height:650px"></textarea>


function calculate() {
  var line = document.buss.line.value;
  var ent;
  var num;
  var stop;

  switch(line) {
    case "1":
      ent = "Entrepreneur";
      num = "Number";
      stop = "<b>stop1</b><br>stop2<br>stop3<br><b>stop4</b>";
    case "2":
      ent = "Entrepreneur";
      num = "Number";
      stop = "<b>stop1</b><br>stop2<br>stop3<br><b>stop4</b>";
    document.buss.call.value = ent;
    document.buss.number.value = num;
    document.buss.stop.value = stop;

You can't render html inside a Textarea object. If you dont need the text to be editable, you can replace the inputs and textarea with div ou span tags, and replace it's content.


If you replace this:

<textarea id="stop" placeholder="Stop" style="width:300px; height:650px"></textarea>

With this:

<div id="stop" style="width:300px; height:650px">Stop</div>

And replace this:

document.buss.stop.value = stop;

With this:

document.getElementById('stop').innerHTML = stop;

The html is rendered.

To make the Reset Button work, you will need to add a reset function. This should do the trick:

<input onclick="resetHtml()" value="Reset" type="reset">

function resetHtml() {
    document.getElementById('stop').innerHTML = "Stop";

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