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来自用户的输入是我所做的列表。 现在我该如何阅读?

[英]Input from user is an list I made. Now how do I read it?

Basicly I've been trying to make this word generator, which displays your input in a big font in the console. 基本上,我一直在尝试制作此词生成器,该词生成器在控制台中以大字体显示您的输入。 I'm trying to take the user's input, then put each char individually in a list. 我试图接受用户的输入,然后将每个字符分别放入列表中。 So now the first item in the list is 'a' for example (with the input being 'apple' for example). 因此,现在列表中的第一项是例如“ a”(例如输入是“ apple”)。 Now there's a list I made called a. 现在有一个我创建的列表。 I want to print that list by the user's input (a). 我想通过用户输入(a)打印该列表。 How do I do so? 我该怎么做? This is my code: 这是我的代码:

a = ["@@@@@",
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @")]

b = ["@@@@ ",
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@@@@ "),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@@@@ ")]

c = ["@@@@@",
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),

d = ["@@@@ ",
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@@@@ ")]

e = ["@@@@@",
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),

f = ["@@@@@",
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    ")]

g = ["@@@@@",
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@ @@@"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),

h = ["@   @",
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @")]

i = ["@@@@@",
    ("  @  "),
    ("  @  "),
    ("  @  "),
    ("  @  "),
    ("  @  "),

j = ["    @",
    ("    @"),
    ("    @"),
    ("    @"),
    ("    @"),
    ("@   @"),
    (" @@@ ")]    

k = ["@   @",
    ("@  @ "),
    ("@ @  "),
    ("@@   "),
    ("@ @  "),
    ("@  @ "),
    ("@   @")]

l = ["@    ",
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),
    ("@    "),

m = ["@   @",
    ("@@ @@"),
    ("@ @ @"),
    ("@ @ @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @"),
    ("@   @")]

word = []
input_word = input("Which word would you like to display?")
for i in input_word:

Create a dictionary that maps each letter to the corresponding list: 创建一个字典,将每个字母映射到相应的列表:

letter_map = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c, ...}
in = input("What letter?")

word contains the word word包含单词

  1. make it a dictionary where the letter is the key and the values are in an array: letters = {'a': ["@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @"], ...} 使其成为一个以字母为键且值在一个数组中的字典: letters = {'a': ["@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @"], ...}
  2. iterate over the count of items in the array with range(7) using for : for row in range(7): 使用for :遍历range(7) for row in range(7):使用range(7)遍历数组中的项数for row in range(7):
  3. iterate over the word letters, getting the mapped symbols: for letter in word: 遍历单词字母,获取映射的符号: for letter in word:
  4. join with a space: outword += " " + letters[letter][row] 加入空格: outword += " " + letters[letter][row]
  5. finally join all lines with a newline 最后用换行符加入所有行

That should get you started. 那应该让您开始。 Feel free to try and post your results. 随时尝试发布您的结果。 We can help you once you have some code. 一旦您有了一些代码,我们可以为您提供帮助。

  1. (optional) learn list comprehensions and come up with a one-liner for some unreadable fun (可选)学习列表理解并提出一些难以理解的趣味

print('\\n'.join([' '.join([{'a': ["@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @"] , 'b': ["@@@@ ", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@ ", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@ "] , 'c': ["@@@@@", "@ ", "@ ", "@ ", "@ ", "@ ", "@@@@@"] , 'd': ["@@@@ ", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@ "] , 'e': ["@@@@@", "@ ", "@ ", "@@@@@", "@ ", "@ ", "@@@@@"] , 'f': ["@@@@@", "@ ", "@ ", "@@@@@", "@ ", "@ ", "@ "] , 'g': ["@@@@@", "@ ", "@ ", "@ @@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@@"] , 'h': ["@ @", "@ @", "@ @", "@@@@@", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @"] , 'i': ["@@@@@", " @ ", " @ ", " @ ", " @ ", " @ ", "@@@@@"] , 'j': [" @", " @", " @", " @", " @", "@ @", " @@@ "] , 'k': ["@ @", "@ @ ", "@ @ ", "@@ ", "@ @ ", "@ @ ", "@ @"] , 'l': ["@ ", "@ ", "@ ", "@ ", "@ ", "@ ", "@@@@@"] , 'm': ["@ @", "@@ @@", "@ @ @", "@ @ @", "@ @", "@ @", "@ @"]}[l][i] for l in "abcdefghijklm"]) for i in range(7)]))

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