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[英]How to bundle the JS loaded by script manager from CDN in Asp.Net

I have an application in asp.net, I am using a script manager in master page. 我在asp.net中有一个应用程序,我在母版页中使用脚本管理器。 I want to load all the scripts related to script manager from CDN and hence I have placed EnableCDN="true" in script manager. 我想从CDN加载与脚本管理器相关的所有脚本,因此我在脚本管理器中放置了EnableCDN =“ true”。

<asp:ScriptManager runat="server" EnableCdn="true" />

I have noticed that all the scripts are loaded separately this increases the http requests, I want to bundle all of them into 1 script. 我注意到所有脚本都是单独加载的,这增加了http请求,我想将所有脚本捆绑到1个脚本中。

Has anyone achieved this bundling the scripts loaded from CDN into 1 js file instead of separate in asp.net(Not MVC)? 有没有人实现将CDN加载的脚本捆绑到1个js文件中,而不是将它们捆绑在asp.net中(不是MVC)?

Below is the snap of all js that is getting loaded separately 以下是单独加载的所有js的快照 以下是单独加载的所有js的快照

Only application relative URLs (~/url) are allowed to be included in ScriptBundle , Using CDN in bundles is supported only at the top bundle level. ScriptBundle仅允许包含与应用程序相关的URL(〜/ url),仅在顶级软件包级别支持在软件包中使用CDN。

You could upload the entire bundle to a CDN after building it yourself and us it like https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/4.6/1/MsAjaxJs.js . 您可以自己构建,也可以像https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/4.6/1/MsAjaxJs.js那样将整个捆绑包上传到CDN。

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/MsAjaxJs", "https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/4.6/1/MsAjaxJs.js").Include(

Also, optimizations are enabled when compilation is set to false in web.config file 此外,在web.config文件中将编译设置为false时,也会启用优化

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