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如何获得ASP.NET MVC包管理器来呈现具有type =“ module”属性的脚本标记?

[英]How to get the ASP.NET MVC bundle manager to render a script tag with the type = “module” attribute?

When we add a bundle to the ASP.NET MVC bundle collection like so: 当我们像这样将捆绑包添加到ASP.NET MVC捆绑包集合中时:

public static RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)

  bundles.Add( new ScriptBundle("~/bundle/foo")

And render it in a view like so: 并在这样的视图中渲染它:


It gets rendered like a regular javascript file inclusion <script> like so: 它像常规的JavaScript文件包含<script>一样呈现:

<script src = "/Scripts/foo.js"></script>

But my foo.js is an ES 6 module and so I'd like it to load like so: 但是我的foo.js是ES 6模块,因此我希望这样加载:

<script src = "/Scripts/foo.js" type = "module"></script>

Short of typing that <script> tag myself, how do I actually get the ASP.NET MVC bundle classes to render it this way? 除了自己键入<script>标签之外,我实际上如何获得ASP.NET MVC捆绑软件类以这种方式呈现它?

I am using ASP.NET MVC 5.2.4 targeting the .NET framework version 4.6.1. 我正在使用针对.NET Framework 4.6.1版本的ASP.NET MVC 5.2.4。

I assumed that you have latest Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization package installed, hence you could use Scripts.RenderFormat() to add type attribute on generated <script> tag: 我假设您已经安装了最新的Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization包,因此可以使用Scripts.RenderFormat()在生成的<script>标记上添加type属性:

@Scripts.RenderFormat("<script src='{0}' type='module'></script>", "~/bundle/foo")

Or you could utilize a helper class containing helper method to render <script> tags with additional attribute for certain bundles: 或者,您可以利用包含helper方法的helper类来渲染具有某些捆绑包附加属性的<script>标签:

public static class ScriptHelpers
    public static IHtmlString RenderWithTypeAttribute(params string[] paths)
        return System.Web.Optimization.Scripts.RenderFormat(@"<script src=""{0}"" type=""module""></script>", paths);

And then use it in Razor view page like this: 然后在Razor视图页面中使用它,如下所示:


Reference: 参考:

How to render Scripts/Styles bundles in the custom format in ASP.NET MVC? 如何在ASP.NET MVC中以自定义格式呈现脚本/样式包?

Related issue: 相关问题:

Set Script Type in MVC4 Script Bundle 在MVC4脚本捆绑包中设置脚本类型

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