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[英]How does the ternary operator work

I don't understand this code; 我不明白这段代码;

Can someone write it proper so I can also understand. 有人可以写得正确,所以我也可以理解。

public void deleteStudentsPersistence(Student student) {
        em.remove(em.contains(student) ? student : em.merge(student));

The operator you used there is called a ternary operator and it works almost the same way an if-else statement works. 您在那里使用的运算符称为三元运算符,它的工作方式与if-else语句的工作方式几乎相同。 Consider the statement below: 请考虑以下声明:

int min = (a < b) ? a : b;

What this means is: Evaluate the value of (a < b) , if it's true, the value of min is a , otherwise, the value of min is b . 这意味着: 评估(a < b)的值,如果为真,则min的值为a ,否则min的值为b It can be related to the if-else statement this way: If (a < b) is true: min = a; 它可以通过这种方式与if-else语句相关: 如果(a <b)为真:min = a; else: min is b. 否则:min是b。

Back to your question now.... 现在回到你的问题....

em.remove(em.contains(student) ? student : em.merge(student));

This means if em.contains(student) is true, then perform em.remove(student) , however if it's false, then perform em.remove(em.merge(student)) . 这意味着如果em.contains(student)为true,则执行em.remove(student) ,但如果它为false,则执行em.remove(em.merge(student))


Obviously, in many practical cases that involve giving a variable a value based on a two-way condition, this can be a subtle replacement for if-statement. 显然,在许多实际情况中,涉及根据双向条件给变量赋值,这可能是if语句的微妙替代。 There is great argument about the "more efficient" method as seen in this post but I personally prefer to use the ternary operator because of it's relatively short syntax length and readability. 有关于“更有效”的方法看到巨大争论这个职位 ,但我个人更喜欢使用三元运算符,因为它是相对较短的语法长度和可读性。

I hope this helps.. Merry coding! 我希望这有帮助..快乐编码!

this is a ternary operator, called conditional operator. 这是一个三元运算符,称为条件运算符。 it could also be written this way: 它也可以这样写:

public void deleteStudentsPersistence(Student student) {
        if (em.contains(student)){
        } else{

basically, it check if em contains the student before removing, otherwise it merge it 基本上,它会在删除之前检查em是否包含学生,否则将其合并

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