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为什么 Spring Boot 2.0 应用程序不运行 schema.sql?

[英]Why Spring Boot 2.0 application does not run schema.sql?

While I was using Spring Boot 1.5, on application startup Hibernate executed schema.sql file located in /resources folder when appropriate configuration is set.当我使用 Spring Boot 1.5 时,在应用程序启动时,Hibernate 在设置了适当的配置后执行了位于/resources文件夹中的schema.sql文件。 After Spring Boot 2.0 release this feature does not work any more.在 Spring Boot 2.0 发布后,此功能不再起作用。 I couldn't find anything about this change in documentation.我在文档中找不到有关此更改的任何信息。 Here is my application.properties file content:这是我的application.properties文件内容:



Is there some change in Spring Boot 2.0 or is this an bug/issue? Spring Boot 2.0 是否有一些变化,或者这是一个错误/问题?

Check the documents here .此处查看文档。

In a JPA-based app, you can choose to let Hibernate create the schema or use schema.sql, but you cannot do both.在基于 JPA 的应用程序中,您可以选择让 Hibernate 创建模式或使用 schema.sql,但不能同时使用这两种方法。 Make sure to disable spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto if you use schema.sql.如果您使用 schema.sql,请确保禁用 spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto。

You have spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop that's why schema.sql is not executed.你有spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop这就是为什么schema.sql没有被执行。 Looks like this is the way Spring Boot works.看起来这就是 Spring Boot 的工作方式。


I think that the problem(not really a problem) is that your application points to a mysql instance.我认为问题(不是真正的问题)是您的应用程序指向一个 mysql 实例。

See the current Spring Boot properties :查看当前的 Spring Boot 属性

spring.datasource.initialization-mode=embedded # Initialize the datasource with available DDL and DML scripts.

The default value is embedded - eg initialize only if you're running and embedded database, like H2.默认值是embedded的 - 例如,仅当您正在运行和嵌入数据库(如 H2)时才初始化。

Also see the answer of Stephan here .另请参阅 Stephan答案。 He said:他说:

Adding spring.datasource.initialization-mode=always to your project is enough.将 spring.datasource.initialization-mode=always 添加到您的项目中就足够了。

So try to set:所以尝试设置:


Not embedded (eg MySQL)未嵌入(例如 MySQL)

If you load a database that is not embedded , in Spring Boot 2 you need to add:如果你加载了一个未嵌入的数据库,在 Spring Boot 2 中你需要添加:


Check the Migration Guide :检查迁移指南

Database Initialization数据库初始化

Basic DataSource initialization is now only enabled for embedded data sources and will switch off as soon as you're using a production database.基本数据源初始化现在仅对嵌入式数据源启用,并且会在您使用生产数据库时立即关闭。 The new spring.datasource.initialization-mode (replacing spring.datasource.initialize ) offers more control.新的spring.datasource.initialization-mode (替换spring.datasource.initialize )提供了更多控制。

Embedded (eg h2)嵌入式(例如 h2)

I once had a similar problem, even though it was an h2 (so it was an embedded DB), my h2 configuration was activated by a my-test profile.我曾经遇到过类似的问题,即使它是一个 h2(所以它一个嵌入式数据库),我的 h2 配置是由一个my-test配置文件激活的。

My test class was like:我的测试课是这样的:

@SpringBootTest                     // does not work alone
public class MyEntityRepositoryTest {

The problem is @SpringBootTest alone did not initialize the test database .问题是@SpringBootTest单独没有初始化测试数据库 I had to either use @DataJpaTest or @SpringBootTest + @AutoConfigureTestDatabase .我不得不使用@DataJpaTest@SpringBootTest + @AutoConfigureTestDatabase Examples例子

@DataJpaTest                       // works
public class MyEntityRepositoryTest {


@SpringBootTest                     // these two
@AutoConfigureTestDatabase          // together work
public class MyEntityRepositoryTest {

It works fine for me, you can try it.对我来说很好用,你可以试试。 Set datasource type to what you like instead of HikariCP.将数据源类型设置为您喜欢的类型,而不是 HikariCP。


Recent Update最近更新

As of Spring Boot Version 2.7从 Spring Boot 2.7 版开始

the property spring.datasource.initialization-mode has been removed.属性spring.datasource.initialization-mode已被删除。

You should from this version and onwards use the replacement property spring.sql.init.mode你应该从这个版本开始使用替换属性spring.sql.init.mode

Example: spring.sql.init.mode:always示例: spring.sql.init.mode:always

Spring Boot 2.7 changelog Spring Boot 2.7 更新日志


I was able to make application run only after excluding Hikary CP like that:只有在像这样排除 Hikary CP 之后,我才能使应用程序运行:


Please, see the issue here请在这里查看问题

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