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Why Spring Boot 2.0 application does not run schema.sql?

While I was using Spring Boot 1.5, on application startup Hibernate executed schema.sql file located in /resources folder when appropriate configuration is set. After Spring Boot 2.0 release this feature does not work any more. I couldn't find anything about this change in documentation. Here is my application.properties file content:



Is there some change in Spring Boot 2.0 or is this an bug/issue?

Check the documents here .

In a JPA-based app, you can choose to let Hibernate create the schema or use schema.sql, but you cannot do both. Make sure to disable spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto if you use schema.sql.

You have spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop that's why schema.sql is not executed. Looks like this is the way Spring Boot works.


I think that the problem(not really a problem) is that your application points to a mysql instance.

See the current Spring Boot properties :

spring.datasource.initialization-mode=embedded # Initialize the datasource with available DDL and DML scripts.

The default value is embedded - eg initialize only if you're running and embedded database, like H2.

Also see the answer of Stephan here . He said:

Adding spring.datasource.initialization-mode=always to your project is enough.

So try to set:


Not embedded (eg MySQL)

If you load a database that is not embedded , in Spring Boot 2 you need to add:


Check the Migration Guide :

Database Initialization

Basic DataSource initialization is now only enabled for embedded data sources and will switch off as soon as you're using a production database. The new spring.datasource.initialization-mode (replacing spring.datasource.initialize ) offers more control.

Embedded (eg h2)

I once had a similar problem, even though it was an h2 (so it was an embedded DB), my h2 configuration was activated by a my-test profile.

My test class was like:

@SpringBootTest                     // does not work alone
public class MyEntityRepositoryTest {

The problem is @SpringBootTest alone did not initialize the test database . I had to either use @DataJpaTest or @SpringBootTest + @AutoConfigureTestDatabase . Examples

@DataJpaTest                       // works
public class MyEntityRepositoryTest {


@SpringBootTest                     // these two
@AutoConfigureTestDatabase          // together work
public class MyEntityRepositoryTest {

It works fine for me, you can try it. Set datasource type to what you like instead of HikariCP.


Recent Update

As of Spring Boot Version 2.7

the property spring.datasource.initialization-mode has been removed.

You should from this version and onwards use the replacement property spring.sql.init.mode

Example: spring.sql.init.mode:always

Spring Boot 2.7 changelog


I was able to make application run only after excluding Hikary CP like that:


Please, see the issue here

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