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[英]Javascript stops working when I populate the table

EDIT: I've figured it out myself, will accept my own answer in 24 hours as per the systems regulations. 编辑:我自己弄清楚了,将按照系统规定在24小时内接受我自己的答案。

I'm toying around with bootstrap using this: https://github.com/BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-sb-admin 我正在使用以下方法引导程序: https : //github.com/BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-sb-admin

I'm relatively new to this and I'm just learning from toying around with codes like this so I'd also appreciate it if anyone pointed any mistakes I'm making aside from the question as well. 我对此还比较陌生,我只是从玩弄这样的代码中学习,所以如果有人指出我在问题之外也犯了任何错误,我也将不胜感激。

I'm trying to incorporate it into an existing php code that I have that grabs data from the database and just loops to populate a table. 我正在尝试将其合并到我现有的php代码中,该代码从数据库中获取数据,然后循环以填充表。 Problem is when I played around with the table it suddenly lost a few of the functions it had in the tables.html example: 问题是当我玩桌子时,它突然失去了tables.html示例中的一些功能:

   1. Sorting a column either by ascending/descending order by clicking the column header. 
   2. Small search bar for the table. 
   3. Pagination and filtering of number of entries displayed per page.

I emptied the table and left the tbody space blank and all the functions appeared again. 我清空表并将tbody空间留空,所有功能再次出现。 So I tried using the sample data that it came with instead of my own but the functions all disappeared just like with my php code. 因此,我尝试使用它附带的示例数据,而不是我自己的示例数据,但是所有功能都像我的php代码一样消失了。 I don't know what I'm missing or what rule I'm breaking. 我不知道自己缺少什么或违反了什么规则。

Also since it might also be the root of the problem, the examples in the link above are .html files whereas mine are in .php . 另外,由于它也可能是问题的根源,因此上面链接中的示例是.html文件,而我的示例是.php I assumed it wasn't much of an issue, I don't know if that's actually a problem but just putting it out there in case it is. 我以为这不是什么大问题,我不知道这是否真的是一个问题,只是把它放在那里以防万一。

I'm not posting the whole of the codes unless someone asks for it because it'll be very long. 除非有人要求,否则我不会发布所有代码,因为这会很长。 I've setup all the necessary links and scripts for it, or at least I believe I did because it works when it's blank but not when I try to populate the tbody area. 我已经为它设置了所有必需的链接和脚本,或者至少我相信我这样做了,因为它在空白时有效,但在尝试填充tbody区域时无效。

This is the table with my php code in it: 这是带有我的php代码的表:

<!-- Table -->
<div class="card mb-3">
    <div class="card-header">
      <i class="fa fa-table"></i> Data Table Example</div>
    <div class="card-body">
      <div class="table-responsive">
        <table class="table table-bordered" id="dataTable" width="100%" cellspacing="0">
              <th>Dewey-Decimal Classification</th>
              <th colspan = "2" align = "center">Actions</th>

              $query = "SELECT b.BookID, b.Book_Title, GROUP_CONCAT(a.Author_Name SEPARATOR ', ') AS Authors, b.Book_ISBN, c.CategoryID, c.CategoryClass
              FROM Book b 
                  INNER JOIN book_author ba
                  ON b.BookID = ba.BookID
                  INNER JOIN Author a
                  ON ba.AuthorID = a.AuthorID
                  INNER JOIN enum_category c
                  ON b.Book_CategoryID = c.CategoryID
              GROUP BY b.BookID";  

      </div> <!-- table-responsive -->
    </div> <!-- card-body -->
        <div class="card-footer small text-muted">Updated yesterday at 11:59 PM</div>
    </div> <!-- card-header -->  
</div> <!-- card mb-3 -->

and this is the book_dataview() function I have: 这是我拥有的book_dataview()函数:

public function book_dataview($query)
    $query = $this->db->prepare($query);

                <td><?php print($row['BookID']); ?></td>
                <td><?php print($row['Book_Title']); ?></td>
                <td><?php print($row['Authors']); ?></td>
                <td><?php print($row['Book_ISBN']); ?></td>
                <td><?php print($row['CategoryID']." - ".$row['CategoryClass']); ?></td>
                <td align="center">
                    <a href="edit-data-book.php?edit_id=<?php print($row['BookID']); ?>"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i></a>
                <td align="center">
                    <a href="delete-book.php?delete_id=<?php print($row['BookID']); ?>"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"></i></a>
        <td>Nothing here...</td>


As for the .js file I'm not entirely sure which it actually uses, my guess is it's this: 至于.js文件,我不确定完全使用哪个文件,我想是这样的:

startbootstrap-sb-admin/vendor/datatables/jquery.dataTables.js startbootstrap-sb-admin / vendor / datatables / jquery.dataTables.js

I would post the code here but it's 15k lines in total and I'm not sure which ones need to be posted since I'm not even sure myself since I'm still learning as I go. 我会在这里发布代码,但是总共有15,000行,我不确定需要发布哪些代码,因为我什至不确定自己,因为我仍在学习。 Thanks. 谢谢。

It seems one of my column settings caused the issue. 似乎是我的列设置之一导致了此问题。 Specifically: 特别:

<th colspan = "2" align = "center">Actions</th>

It most likely caused issues with the script to adjust column size which would also explain why the table was border-less on the sides. 这很可能引起脚本调整列大小的问题,这也可以解释为什么表格的两边没有边框。 I changed it and just made separate columns instead of forcing two things into one. 我对其进行了更改,只是将其分成几列,而不是将两件事强制成为一列。 Problem solved. 问题解决了。

To make dataTables working, you need to respect HTML table structure 为了使dataTables正常工作,您需要尊重HTML表结构

 $(document).ready(function() { $('#datatable').DataTable(); } ); 
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/datatables/1.10.16/css/dataTables.bootstrap.min.css" /> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/datatables/1.10.16/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script> <table id="datatable"> <thead> <tr> <th>Id</th> <th>Title</th> <th>Authors</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>52</td> <td>Lorem ipsum</td> <td>Author 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>95</td> <td>Sit dulur amet</td> <td>Tokyo</td> </tr> </tbody> <table> 

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