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[英]Redash issue with Google Sheets

I have redash setup and I am able to connect to gsheet datasource but when I attempt a select query 我有redash设置,并且能够连接到gsheet数据源,但是当我尝试选择查询时

select * from 1YaipA_nhUq5zl37EZ9tFa32qc4kgF1cMlo41ch1lcF4 

I am getting 我正进入(状态

Error running query: Spreadsheet (select * from 1YaipA_nhUq5zl37EZ9tFa32qc4kgF1cMlo41ch1lcF4) not found. Make sure you used correct id. 

I have shared the sheet with the service account ID and it's a simple sheet I am using for testing. 我已经将表格与服务帐户ID共享,这是我用于测试的简单表格。 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YaipA_nhUq5zl37EZ9tFa32qc4kgF1cMlo41ch1lcF4/edit?usp=sharing I know I have had this working in the past, must be missing something simple. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YaipA_nhUq5zl37EZ9tFa32qc4kgF1cMlo41ch1lcF4/edit?usp=sharing我知道我以前曾经做过这项工作,一定缺少一些简单的东西。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

After checking Redash's implementation of Google Sheet query runner , in order to access the sheet, the query format should be a one-liner: 在检查Redash对Google Sheet查询运行器的实现之后,为了访问工作表,查询格式应为单行:


In your case, that would be: 您的情况是:


to access the first worksheet by default. 默认情况下访问第一个工作表。 Alternatively, you may want to be more specific: 另外,您可能希望更具体:


for accessing second worksheet. 用于访问第二个工作表。

Keep in mind that Redash don't execute your query on-the-fly, rather it will load the whole worksheet before you can make further processing according to the official documentation . 请记住,Redash不会即时执行查询,而是会加载整个工作表,然后才能根据官方文档进行进一步处理。

After data loading, you should be able to see something like this: 加载数据后,您应该可以看到如下内容:


It simply means that Redash had loaded your data (in this case, 1,962 rows) and you can start to make some visualizations. 这仅表示Redash已加载了数据(在本例中为1,962行),您可以开始进行一些可视化处理。 Cheers! 干杯!

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