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[英]Can my code be more simple?

An n-by-n square matrix (table of numbers) is a magic matrix if the sum of its row and the sum of each column are identical. 如果n×n方阵(行数表)的总和与每一列的总和相同,则它是一个魔术矩阵。 For example, the 4-by-4 matrix below is a magic matrix. 例如,下面的4×4矩阵是幻数矩阵。 The sum of every row and the sum of every column are exactly the same value 34. 每行的总和和每列的总和是完全相同的值34。

        16 2 3 13
        5 11 10 8
        9 7 6 12
        4 14 15 1

Write a function that takes a 4-by-4 matrix as an argument and then determine if the matrix is magic or not. 编写一个将4×4矩阵作为参数的函数,然后确定该矩阵是否为魔术。 The #matrix should be stored as a two-dimensional list. #matrix应该存储为二维列表。 Test your function with a magic matrix and a none magic matrix. 用魔术矩阵和无魔术矩阵测试您的功能。

def magic(matrix = []):

    magic_matrix = False
    if len(matrix) != 4:
        print('Enter a 4 * 4 matrix')
        return magic_matrix

    row1Sum = sum(matrix[0]) 
    rowSum_ok = True
    for row in range(1, 4):
        if sum(matrix[row]) != row1Sum:
            rowSum_ok = False
    colSum_ok = True
    for col in range(4):
        s_col = 0
        for row in range(4):
            s_col += matrix[row][col]
        if s_col != row1Sum:
            colSum_ok = False
        if rowSum_ok and colSum_ok:
            magic_matrix = True
        return magic_matrix

def mainMagic():
    m1 = [[9, 6, 3, 16],
          [4, 15, 10, 5],
          [14, 1, 8, 11],
          [7, 12, 13, 2]]
    print('\nThe matrix:')
    for i in range(4):
        for j in m1[i]:
            print(str(j).rjust(3), end =' ')
    if magic(m1):
        print('is a magic matrix.')
        print('is not a magic matrix.')

    m2 = [[6, 22, 44, 18],
          [1, 11, 10, 13],
          [3, 17, 6, 12],
          [9, 14, 2, 1]]
    print('\nThe matrix:')
    for i in range(4):
        for j in m2[i]:
            print(repr(j).rjust(3), end = ' ')
    if magic(m2):
        print('is a magic matrix.')
        print('is not a magic matrix.')


With a couple of set comprehensions and a zip() that is fairly straight forward to cleanup like: 有了几个set comprehensions和一个zip() ,它很容易进行清理,例如:

Code: 码:

def is_magic(matrix):
    sum_rows = {sum(row) for row in matrix}
    sum_cols = {sum(col) for col in zip(*matrix)}
    return len(sum_cols) == 1 and sum_cols == sum_rows

Test Code: 测试代码:

m1 = [[9, 6, 3, 16],
      [4, 15, 10, 5],
      [14, 1, 8, 11],
      [7, 12, 13, 2]]

m2 = [[6, 22, 44, 18],
      [1, 11, 10, 13],
      [3, 17, 6, 12],
      [9, 14, 2, 1]]


Results: 结果:


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