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[英]SPARQL ranking on two predicates

Is it possible to create a SPARQL query that produces a result with the ranking based on two predicates? 是否可以创建一个SPARQL查询,该查询根据两个谓词生成具有排名的结果? I have searched for similar queries the closest solution I could find is given in this thread . 我已经搜索了类似的查询,该线程给出了我能找到的最接近的解决方案。 That solution gave me a timeout since I have about 600 triples so an efficient solution will be greatly appreciated. 该解决方案给了我一个超时,因为我有大约600个三元组,因此非常感谢一个有效的解决方案。 Consider the RDF below: 考虑下面的RDF:

@prefix : <http://example.org#> .

:A :groupid 119;
   :date 2018-04-01.
:B :groupid 119 ;
   :date 2018-03-01.
:C :groupid 119 ;
   :date 2018-05-01.
:D :groupid 120  ;
   :date 2018-02-01.
:E :groupid 120 ;  
   :date 2018-03-01. 

I would like to get the following result: 我想得到以下结果:

| id   |   date     |ranking  |
| 119  | 2018-03-01 | 1       |
| 119  | 2018-04-01 | 2       |
| 119  | 2018-05-01 | 3       |
| 120  | 2018-02-01 | 1       |
| 120  | 2018-03-01 | 2       |

As answered by AKSW, this script works perfectly: 正如AKSW回答的那样,此脚本可以完美运行:

PREFIX : <http://example.org#> 
SELECT ?id ?date (COUNT(*) as ?ranking)
   ?x :groupid ?id ; :date ?date .
   ?y :groupid ?id ; :date ?date2 .
    filter(?date2 <= ?date) 
GROUP BY ?id ?date
ORDER BY ?id ?date ?ranking

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