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SPARQL 相同的谓词具有不同的值

[英]SPARQL same predicates with different values

I am using SPARQL to query my data from the triplestore.我正在使用 SPARQL 从三元组查询我的数据。 In the triplestore I have a form containing a table, the table has different table entries.在三元组中,我有一个包含表格的表格,该表格具有不同的表格条目。 Each entry has a number of predicates.每个条目都有多个谓词。 I want to use the predicates index and cost.我想使用谓词索引和成本。 My query needs to catch the first 2 rows, indices 0 and 1 and save the cost under a specific variable for each.我的查询需要捕获前 2 行,索引 0 和 1,并将成本保存在每个特定变量下。

So I have tried the following (prefix ext is ommited):所以我尝试了以下方法(省略了前缀 ext):

SELECT DISTINCT ?entry ?priceOne ?priceTwo
    ?form ext:table ?table.
    ?table ext:entry ?entry.
    ?entry ext:index 0;
       ext:cost ?priceOne.
    ?entry ext:index 1;
       ext:cost ?priceTwo.

This however does not show any values, if I remove the second part (with index 1) than I do get?priceOne.然而,如果我删除第二部分(索引为 1)而不是我得到的,这不会显示任何值?priceOne。 How can I get both values?我怎样才能得到这两个值?

Your current query finds each ?entry that has both ext:index values, 0 and 1. You could avoid this by using something like ?entry0 and ?entry1 , essentially duplicating your triple patterns.您当前的查询找到每个?entry具有ext:index值 0 和 1。您可以通过使用类似?entry0?entry1的东西来避免这种情况,本质上是复制您的三重模式。

But typically, you would match alternatives with UNION :但通常情况下,您会将备选方案与UNION匹配

SELECT DISTINCT ?entry ?priceOne ?priceTwo

    # a shorter way to specify this, if you don’t need the ?table variable
    ?form ext:table/ext:entry ?entry .

      ?entry ext:index 0 ;
             ext:cost ?priceOne .
      ?entry ext:index 1 ;
             ext:cost ?priceTwo .


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