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[英]If-statement with list inside for-loop over same list

I am appending similarity scores of all pairs in a list. 我将所有对的相似性得分添加到列表中。

data = []

for i1, i2 in list: 
    data.append([i1, i2, cosine_similarity([X[df.index.get_loc(i1)]],[X[df.index.get_loc(i2)]]).ravel()[0]])

However, I need it to only append scores that are non-zero. 但是,我只需要追加非零的分数即可。

I put in an if statement, but it produces an error since it is not of int type. 我放入了if语句,但是由于它不是int类型,因此会产生错误。

for i1, i2 in list:
    if [cosine_similarity([X[df.index.get_loc(i1)]], [X[df.index.get_loc(i2)]])] > 0:
        data.append([i1, i2, cosine_similarity([X[df.index.get_loc(i1)]], [X[df.index.get_loc(i2)]]).ravel()[0]])

Any way of only appending only none-zeros as part of the iteration? 有什么办法仅在迭代过程中仅附加非零吗?

The general pattern for a conditional iteration is (a for a in b if a) . 条件迭代的一般模式是(a for a in b if a) Pulling your calculation into a helper function for readability, this should work: 将计算结果放入帮助器函数中以提高可读性,这应该可以工作:

def calc_sim(X, df, i1, i2):
    return cosine_similarity([X[df.index.get_loc(i1)]], 

data = [(i1, i2, sim) 
    for (i1, i2, sim) in ((i1, i2, calc_sim(X, df, i1, i2)) 
    if sim > 0]

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