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[英]How to traverse, navigate and access objects from a JSON-LD files with JSONLD-JAVA?

I need to take a large JSON-LD file as input for an algorithm that I am writing in Java. 我需要使用一个大的JSON-LD文件作为我用Java编写的算法的输入。 Therefore, I intend to use JSONLD-JAVA for that. 因此,我打算为此使用JSONLD-JAVA。

The JSONLD-JAVA page shows an example for reading a JSON-LD file, but not for navigating or traversing it, or accessing individual objects in it. JSONLD-JAVA页面显示了一个读取JSON-LD文件,而不是浏览或遍历该文件或访问其中的单个对象的示例。 Instead, it refers to the JSON-LD and JSON-LD API specifications for details on specific possible operations. 相反,它参考JSON-LDJSON-LD API规范以获取有关特定可能操作的详细信息。

However, the JSON-LD specification simply defines the syntax and semantics of a JSON-LD, and does not say anything about how to access them, and of course neither should it, being just a specification of the format. 但是,JSON-LD规范仅定义了JSON-LD的语法和语义,没有说明如何访问它们,当然也不应该仅仅是格式的规范。 I was expecting that kind of operation to be described in the JSON-LD API specification, but it only describes operations that convert the entire JSON-LD file into different forms (compact, expanded, flattening, and conversion to RDF). 我期望在JSON-LD API规范中描述这种操作,但它仅描述将整个JSON-LD文件转换为不同形式(紧凑,扩展,展平以及转换为RDF)的操作。 It does not seem to include operations for accessing the objects (for example, accessing the key-value pairs of an object). 它似乎不包含用于访问对象的操作(例如,访问对象的键值对)。

So I am guessing we are supposed to read the JSON-LD file and expand or flatten it, and then access it as pure JSON. 因此,我猜测我们应该读取JSON-LD文件并对其进行扩展或展平,然后将其作为纯JSON访问。 But JSONLD-JAVA methods only return instances of Object , so it's not clear to me how I can use these object to obtain the JSON key-value pairs. 但是JSONLD-JAVA方法仅返回Object实例,因此我不清楚如何使用这些对象来获取JSON键值对。 The only exception seems to be the method frame , which returns a Map, but it is not very clear to me what a frame is. 唯一的例外似乎是方法frame ,该方法返回一个Map,但是对我来说不是很清楚什么是框架。 The JSON-LD specification does not include the word "frame", and the JSON-LD API specification has a very terse explanation which does not seem to help in understanding how to access an object's key-value pairs. JSON-LD规范不包含“框架”一词,并且JSON-LD API规范具有非常简洁的解释,这似乎无助于理解如何访问对象的键值对。

The fact that I only have Object instances from JSONLD-JAVA methods also makes it look like it would be hard to use some JSON library to use them, unless I use some JSON library that knows about the internal format of these objects as formed by JSONLD-JAVA, but the page of JSONLD-Java does not mention any such library. 我只有JSONLD-JAVA方法中的Object实例的事实也使得看起来似乎很难使用某些JSON库来使用它们,除非我使用一些了解JSONLD形成的这些对象的内部格式的JSON库-JAVA,但JSONLD-Java的页面未提及任何此类库。

I was expecting to be able to read a JSON-LD file and then programmatically accessing or manipulating it within Java, and to have Java classes that correspond to the main concepts, something like a JSONLDObject with methods for providing its key-value pairs. 我期望能够读取JSON-LD文件,然后在Java中以编程方式访问或操作它,并拥有与主要概念相对应的Java类,例如JSONLDObject ,提供用于提供其键值对的方法。

As I read the above pages, I get the feeling that they are meant for people that already know something that I don't. 当我阅读以上页面时,我感到它们是为那些已经知道我不了解的人的。 So perhaps I am missing something. 所以也许我缺少一些东西。 Otherwise, is there a tutorial on using JSONLD-JAVA or even just the JSONLD API in order to traverse the objects? 否则,是否有使用JSONLD-JAVA甚至只是JSONLD API来遍历对象的教程?

If you read the documentation on the JSONLD-JAVA page you linked to, it starts with a commented example: 如果您阅读了链接到的JSONLD-JAVA页面上的文档,则该文档以注释示例开头:

// Open a valid json(-ld) input file
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("input.json");
// Read the file into an Object (The type of this object will be a List, Map, String, Boolean,
// Number or null depending on the root object in the file).
Object jsonObject = JsonUtils.fromInputStream(inputStream);
// Create a context JSON map containing prefixes and definitions
Map context = new HashMap();
// Customise context...
// Create an instance of JsonLdOptions with the standard JSON-LD options
JsonLdOptions options = new JsonLdOptions();
// Customise options...
// Call whichever JSONLD function you want! (e.g. compact)
Object compact = JsonLdProcessor.compact(jsonObject, context, options);
// Print out the result (or don't, it's your call!)

The second comment is interesting, so let me highlight it for you: 第二条评论很有趣,所以让我为您重点介绍一下:

Read the file into an Object (The type of this object will be a List , Map , String , Boolean , Number or null depending on the root object in the file). 将文件读入一个Object (此对象的类型为ListMapStringBooleanNumbernull具体取决于文件中的根对象)。

 Object jsonObject = JsonUtils.fromInputStream(inputStream); 

The key point is that JSONLD is JSON , and that when you've loaded it into memory like above, you can navigate that JSON structure, by casting the Object as appropriate. 关键是JSONLD是JSON ,并且当您将其像上面那样加载到内存中时,可以通过适当地转换Object来导航该JSON结构。

Lets have a look at Example #3 from the JSON-LD specification : 让我们看一下JSON-LD规范中的示例#3:

    "name": "http://schema.org/name",  // ← This means that 'name' is shorthand for 'http://schema.org/name' 
    "image": {
      "@id": "http://schema.org/image",  // ← This means that 'image' is shorthand for 'http://schema.org/image' 
      "@type": "@id"  // ← This means that a string value associated with 'image' should be interpreted as an identifier that is an IRI 
    "homepage": {
      "@id": "http://schema.org/url",  // ← This means that 'homepage' is shorthand for 'http://schema.org/url' 
      "@type": "@id"  // ← This means that a string value associated with 'homepage' should be interpreted as an identifier that is an IRI 

So if you want the @id value of the image , you'd do this: 因此,如果您想要image@id值,可以这样做:

Map<String, Object> root = (Map) jsonObject;
Map<String, Object> context = (Map) root.get("@context");
Map<String, Object> image = (Map) root.get("image");
String imageId = (String) image.get("@id");

1. Convert JSON-LD to a nice nested map. 1.将JSON-LD转换为漂亮的嵌套地图。 Use the framing algorithm. 使用成帧算法。 Example: JSON-LD to normal JSON and How to convert RDF to pretty nested JSON using java rdf4j 示例:将JSON-LD 转换 为普通JSON,以及如何使用Java rdf4j将RDF转换为漂亮的嵌套JSON

2. Accessing JSON-LD. 2.访问JSON-LD。 I would use JsonNode together with JPointer . 我将JsonNodeJPointer一起使用。 On small and simple documents operating directly on the Map<String,Object> is also ok. 在直接在Map<String,Object>上操作的小型文档上也可以。 For JsonPointer you can use Jackson JsonNode.at() . 对于JsonPointer,您可以使用Jackson JsonNode.at()

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode json = mapper.readValue(in, JsonNode.class);
String id = json.at("/@id").getText();

3. Preprocessing. 3.预处理。 In some cases it can be handy to preprocess the JSON Input. 在某些情况下,预处理JSON输入可能很方便。 This answer lists some command line tools: XSLT equivalent for JSON 此答案列出了一些命令行工具: JSON的XSLT等效项

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