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[英]Qt- How to get the color of a QPoint in QImage for QPixmap

I am trying to implement the flood-fill algorithm, which requires on each iteration to get the color of point in an area. 我正在尝试实现泛洪填充算法,该算法需要在每次迭代中获取区域中点的颜色。 But the color of the selected point is always the background color even if I have drawn something. 但是,即使我已经绘制了一些东西,所选点的颜色也始终是背景色。

void MainWindow::floodFill(QPainter& p, int x, int y, const QColor& cu, const QColor& cc) {

   st.push(QPair<int, int>(x, y)); 

   //used for debug
   int _r, _g, _b;
   int _rCu, _gCu, _bCu;
   int _rCc, _gCc, _bCc; 
   cu.getRgb(&_rCu, &_gCu, &_bCu);
   cc.getRgb(&_rCc, &_gCc, &_bCc);

   while (!st.isEmpty()) {
      QPair<int, int> pair = st.pop();
      QPixmap qPix = ui->centralWidget->grab();
      QImage image(qPix.toImage());
      QColor c(image.pixel(pair.first, pair.second));

      //used for debug, here QColor c is always the same
      c.getRgb(&_r, &_g, &_b);

      if (c == cu || c == cc) {
      p.drawPoint(pair.first, pair.second);

      if (pair.first > 0) {
         st.push(QPair<int, int>(pair.first - 1, pair.second));
      if (pair.first < 200/*ui->centralWidget->width()*/) {
         st.push(QPair<int, int>(pair.first + 1, pair.second));
      if (pair.second > 0) {
         st.push(QPair<int, int>(pair.first, pair.second - 1));
      if (pair.second < 200/*ui->centralWidget->height()*/) {
         st.push(QPair<int, int>(pair.first, pair.second + 1));

this is what i call in paint event 这就是我在绘画比赛中所说的

void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) {
   QPainter p(this);
   QColor colorRed(255, 0, 0);
   QColor colorBlack(0, 0, 0);


   p.drawRect(50, 50, 3, 3);

   floodFill(p, 51, 51, colorRed, colorBlack);

I think the issue is: you're grabbing the central widget into an image, but drawing in a different paint device (main window itself). 我认为问题在于:您正在将中央窗口小部件捕获到图像中,但是在其他绘制设备(主窗口本身)中绘制。 I wouldn't call grab in every paintEvent call, though, but you can try using render to get an image, this way: 我不会在每个paintEvent调用中都调用grab ,但是您可以尝试使用render通过这种方式获取图像:

QPixmap qPix(size());
QImage image(qPix.toImage());

Notice that you'll very likely get a run time warning from Qt ( Recursive repaint detected ), but just once. 请注意,您很可能会从Qt( Recursive repaint detected )收到运行时警告,但是只有一次。 Using grab should lead to infinite recursion. 使用grab应导致无限递归。

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