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[英]How do i make a list of random unique numbers that avoid using numbers from an already existing list of random unique numbers?

I am trying to make a lottery machine that generate a list of 7 winning numbers and 3 bonus numbers from 1-34. 我正在尝试制作一种彩票机,该彩票机从1-34生成7个中奖号码和3个奖金号码的列表。 I want the bonus numbers to never pick the same numbers as the winning numbers. 我希望奖金号码永远不要选择与中奖号码相同的号码。

winning_numbers = random.sample(range(1, 34), 7)
bonus_numbers = random.sample(range(1, 34), 3)

Is there any command/code that can exclude the numbers already picked in the previous list? 是否有任何命令/代码可以排除上一个列表中已经选择的数字?

random solution random

If you want to only use the random module, you can use: 如果只想使用random模块,则可以使用:

import random

nums = random.sample(range(1,35), 10)

winning_numbers = nums[:7]
bonus_numbers = nums[7:]

>>> winning_numbers
[2, 23, 29, 34, 26, 16, 13]

>>> bonus_numbers
[8, 4, 19]

As random.sample is "Used for random sampling without replacement." 由于random.sample是“用于无替换的随机抽样”。 (Quoted from the docs ) (摘自文档

numpy solution numpy解决方案

You can also use numpy , as numpy.random.choice has a replace argument you can set to false . 您还可以使用numpy ,因为numpy.random.choice有一个replace参数,您可以将其设置为false (I'm personally a fan or using numpy for random numbers, as it provides a lot more flexibility in more complex tasks than random ) (我个人是粉丝,或者使用numpy表示随机数,因为它在执行更复杂的任务时比使用random提供更大的灵活性)

import numpy as np

nums = np.random.choice(range(1,35), 10, replace=False)

winning_numbers = nums[:7]
bonus_numbers = nums[7:]

>>> winning_numbers
array([27,  4, 17, 30, 32, 21, 23])

>>> bonus_numbers
array([15, 13, 18])

A small but not unimportant remark at the beginning: 在开始时有一个简短但不重要的说明:

Whether you draw first 7 numbers and then 3 from the remaining ones, or 10 right away and split them into 7 winning numbers and 3 bonus numbers is absolutely equivalent in terms of probability : 无论您是先抽出7个数字,然后从其余数字中抽出3个,还是立即抽出10个并将其分为7个中奖数字和3个奖励数字,就概率而言,绝对相等

In the first case the probability for any number to become a bonus number is: 在第一种情况下,任何数字成为奖励数字的可能性为:


And in the second: 在第二个中:


Note that the reasoning for the probability of any number being a winning number is just the same. 注意,任何数字作为中奖号码的可能性的理由都是相同的。

Implementing the first case is actually slightly longer, but still fairly simple when using set and set operations . 实际上, 实现第一种情况的时间略长,但是在使用setset操作时仍然相当简单。 Here is how this could look: 这是下面的样子:

import random

# set of all potential numbers to draw from
all_numbers = set(range(1,35))  
# draw the winners
winning_numbers = set(random.sample(all_numbers, 7)  
# subtract the winners
remaining_numbers = all_numbers-winning_numbers  
# draw the bonus from the remaining numbers:
bonus_numbers = set(random.sample(remaining_numbers, 3)) 

The implementation of the 2nd case is minimal and could look like this: 第二种情况实现很少,可能看起来像这样:

import random

drawn_numbers = random.sample(range(1,35), 10)
winning_numbers, bonus_numbers = drawn_numbers[:7], drawn_numbers[7:]

Hope that helped and happy coding! 希望对您有所帮助,并祝您编程愉快!

Something like this? 像这样吗

import random
winning_numbers = random.sample(range(1, 34), 7)
bonus_numbers = []
while 1==1:
  num = random.randint(1,34)
  if len(bonus_numbers) == 3:
  if num not in winning_numbers and num not in bonus_numbers:

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