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[英]How can I get unique random numbers?

I am wondering how I can get 6 unique random numbers. 我想知道如何获得6个唯一的随机数。 I have read about random.sample but in my case, I am generating 5 numbers 1-69 and the 6th number 1-26. 我已经阅读了有关random.sample但就我而言,我正在生成5个数字1-69和第6个数字1-26。 I need all 6 to be unique. 我需要所有6个都是唯一的。 This is my code. 这是我的代码。

import tkinter
import random

class Lottery_GUI:
    def __init__(self):
        self.main_window = tkinter.Tk()
        self.main_window.title('Lottery Number Generator')
        self.frame1 = tkinter.Frame(self.main_window)
        self.frame2 = tkinter.Frame(self.main_window)


        self.list1 = tkinter.IntVar()

        #Lottery label
        self.Lottery_label = tkinter.Label(self.frame1,\
                        text = 'Welcome to the Lottery Generator')


        #Button to generate the numbers
        self.Lottery_button = tkinter.Button(self.frame2,\
                        text = 'Click to Generate Numbers',\
                        command = self.Generate_Num)


        #Display the random numbers

        self.num_entry = tkinter.Entry(self.frame1, textvariable = self.list1,\
                    width = 20, fg = 'blue', justify = 'center')

        self.num_entry.pack(side = 'bottom')


    def Generate_Num(self):
        a = random.randint(1,69)

        b = random.randint(1,69)

        c = random.randint(1,69)

        d = random.randint(1,69)

        e = random.randint(1,69)

        f = random.randint(1,26)

        list = [a,b,c,d,e,f]

my_lottery = Lottery_GUI()

I have tried doing random.sample(range(1,70, 5) in the function Generate_Num , but the problem is I can't check the 6th number which only ranges from 1-26. 我试过在函数Generate_Num执行random.sample(range(1,70, 5) ,但是问题是我无法检查第6个数字,该数字仅在1-26范围内。

You can sample without replacement. 您可以取样而无需更换。 See np.random.choice 参见np.random.choice

This should work: 这应该工作:

a = np.random.choice(26, 1)
np.random.choice(np.delete(np.arange(69), a),5, replace=False)

a is your 6th element. a是您的第六元素。

Instead of using randint , use sample and choice with filtering: 而不是使用randint ,而是使用带有过滤的samplechoice

import random

first_five = random.sample(range(70), 5)
last = random.choice([number for number in range(27) if number not in first_five])

numbers = first_five + [last]

Output: 输出:

[53, 52, 9, 0, 8, 21]

You can perform sorting and other stuff later. 您可以稍后执行排序和其他操作。

Also, avoid naming your variable list as that shadows (hides) the builtin. 另外,避免命名变量list因为它会隐藏(隐藏)内置函数。

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