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[英]transition between components in reactjs not working and css properties not being applied

I have the following react component, that basically serves up all the other components , i wanted some animation between all the component trasitions, so now my component looks like so , I am using the react-transition-group , 我有以下反应组件,基本上提供所有其他组件,我想在所有组件trasition之间的一些动画,所以现在我的组件看起来像这样,我使用react-transition-group

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './surveyholder.css';
import Welcome from './../components/welcome/welcome';
import Generalinfo from './../components/generalinfo/generalinfo';
import Preferences from './../components/preferences/preferences';
import Navigation from './../UI/navigation/navigation';
import { Route , BrowserRouter , Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; 
import { CSSTransition , TransitionGroup } from 'react-transition-group';

class Surveyholder extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Route render={ ({ location }) => (
          <div className="App">
            <Navigation />
              <CSSTransition key={location.key}  timeout={3000} classNames="fade">
                <Switch location={ location }>
                  <Route path="/" exact component={ Welcome } />  
                  <Route path="/generalinfo" exact component={ Generalinfo } />
                  <Route path="/preferences" exact component={ Preferences } />
          )} />

export default Surveyholder;

So basically this works all fine , the components even tradition with the right class's IE the below: 所以基本上这个工作都很好,组件甚至传统与正确的类的IE如下:

.fade-enter {
    opacity: 0;
    z-index: 1;
    transition: opacity 3s ease-in;    

  .fade-enter.fade-enter-active {
    opacity: 1;

However i don't see the transition animation , just a delay in the changing of the components , i don't see the fade animation. 但是我没有看到过渡动画,只是组件更改的延迟,我没​​有看到淡入淡出的动画。 The css above is just not applied to the components (the classes are , the css properties are not , i slowed down the animation to 3 seconds to check this and found out.). 上面的css只是没有应用于组件(类是,css属性不是,我放慢动画到3秒来检查这个并找到了。)。

If you checkout the example in the doc's you will notice that the animation part is handled by toggling css classes HERE . 如果您查看文档中的示例,您会注意到动画部分是通过在此处切换css类来处理的。

Why is my component transition animation not working ? 为什么我的组件过渡动画不起作用?

PS i have used the eject command in my app , so is there a reason my classes from import './surveyholder.css'; PS我在我的应用程序中使用了eject命令,因此我的类来自import './surveyholder.css';是有原因import './surveyholder.css'; are ot being imported properly and hence i am unable to see the classes in Inspect element -> styles in my dev tools ? 是不是正确导入,因此我无法在我的开发工具中看到Inspect element - > styles中的类?

Since u are using css modules, the .fade-enter , .fade-enter-active class gets appended with unique identifier. 由于您使用的是css模块,因此.fade-enter.fade-enter-active类会附加唯一标识符。

The react transition group searches for .fade-enter , .fade-enter-active class, but instead gets .fade-enter_unique_id , .fade-enter-active_unique_id class. react转换组搜索.fade-enter.fade-enter-active类,但是获取.fade-enter_unique_id.fade-enter-active_unique_id类。

In order to prevent this from happening, wrap ur css class in :global(.classname) 为了防止这种情况发生,请将ur css类包装在:global(.classname)

Add this to ur surveyholder.css file 将此添加到您的surveyholder.css文件中

:global(.fade-enter) {
  opacity: 0.01;
:global(.fade-enter-active) {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: all 300ms ease-out;
:global(.fade-exit) {
  opacity: 1;
:global(.fade-exit-active) {
  opacity: 0.01;
  transition: all 300ms ease-out;

And also update the timeout value in surveyholder.js , 并且还更新surveyholder.js中的超时值,

 <CSSTransition key={location.key}  timeout={300} classNames="fade">

I tested this solution on ur project. 我在你的项目上测试了这个解决方案

You may be correct. 你可能是对的。 Since you ejected the create-react-app, you no longer are using the style-loader package. 由于您弹出了create-react-app,因此您不再使用样式加载程序包。 Try to npm install --save-dev style-loader 尝试npm install --save-dev style-loader

Also in your webpack.config.js include this in your module object: 另外在你的webpack.config.js中包含这个在你的模块对象中:

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
          { loader: "style-loader" },
          { loader: "css-loader" }

You should then be able to import ./surveyholder.css without problem. 然后,您应该能够import ./surveyholder.cssimport ./surveyholder.css See style-loader documentation here 请参阅此处的样式加载器文档

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