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当(电池电量低/电池电量严重不足)命中时,DJI Drone会一直悬停在1-2m的高度,并自动开始回缩

[英]DJI Drone keeps hovering at height of 1-2m, when (low battery/ serious low battery) hits and it starts retracting home automatically

- Description of the issue: :When drone is flying in low battery case and start to return home by itself, it stops at the height of 1-2m and never lands, user has to take control of remote control and land it. -问题描述 ::当无人机在电池电量不足的情况下飞行并开始自行返回家园时,它会停在1-2m的高度并且永远不会着陆,用户必须控制遥控器并将其着陆。 We don't get any callback 我们没有任何回电

- Steps to reproduce the bug Keep on flying and when the drone hits Serious low battery or sometimes in Low battery case it will start retracting home -重现错误的步骤继续飞行,当无人机击中严重的低电量电池或有时在电量不足的情况下,它将开始缩回原处

- DJI iOS SDK :iOS SDK 4.4 -DJI iOS SDK :iOS SDK 4.4

- DJI Product :Mavic Pro -大疆创新 :Mavic Pro

- iOS system version :iOS version >11.0 -iOS系统版本 :iOS版本> 11.0

- iOS device :iPad mini 2, iPad Air -iOS设备 :iPad mini 2,iPad Air

- Xcode version :9.2 -Xcode版本 :9.2

Extra info: Some times drone keeps on hovering even in normal return home state, we don't get any callback saying can't land or error. 额外信息:有时甚至在正常返回家乡状态下,无人机仍会徘徊,我们没有收到任何回音,说无法降落或出错。

At this time I think you will have to roll your own solution. 目前,我认为您将不得不推出自己的解决方案。 The same behavior exists with the DJI android mobile sdk. DJI android mobile sdk存在相同的行为。 I think the DJI firmware thinks the landing site is not 'safe/even surface' enough to land. 我认为DJI固件认为降落地点的“安全/平坦表面”不足以降落。 If you wanted to roll your own solution then set up a loop to monitor the drone after a return-to-home or landing command is sent. 如果您想推出自己的解决方案,则在发送回返或着陆命令后,设置一个循环来监视无人机。 Then if the drone does not land, send a notice to the user to manually land the drone. 然后,如果无人机没有降落,请向用户发送通知以手动降落无人机。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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