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[英]What type of neural network should I be using for different sized inputs?

I am trying to build a neural network to help predict an NBA player's overall fantasy production score for a season. 我正在尝试建立一个神经网络,以帮助预测一个赛季的NBA球员的整体幻想得分。 What I have done for every season of the player's career is use a certain set of stats to arrive at an overall production score for that season. 在球员职业生涯的每个赛季中,我所做的就是使用一组特定的统计数据得出该赛季的整体生产得分。 I would like to build some type of regression model that can predict say, the next three years of the player's production score. 我想建立某种类型的回归模型,该模型可以预测球员的未来三年得分。

Example inputs, where each array is a player's career production numbers: 输入示例,其中每个数组都是玩家的职业生产数字:

[22.3, 44, 33.1],

[10, 16.2, 42, 67, 54.3, 68.9, 62, 43, 12],

[45, 79, 58, 54, 42],

[12, 24],

[33, 67, 72, 80.3, 94.6, 74]

Most neural networks that I have seen expect the same amount of features for the inputs but in this case, every player will have a different number of inputs based on how many seasons they have played. 我见过的大多数神经网络都希望输入的特征数量相同,但是在这种情况下,根据每个玩家玩了多少个赛季,每个球员都会有不同数量的输入。 I have seen people suggest to zero out the missing data values but I do not want to do that because the NN would start expecting a huge decline in production after just a couple seasons, and zero is a meaningful value in regards to the production score. 我见过有人建议将丢失的数据值归零,但我不想这样做,因为在短短几个季节后,NN就会开始期望产量大幅下降,而就产量得分而言,零是有意义的值。

Is there a neural network that can handle the varying input lengths of each player? 是否有一个神经网络可以处理每个玩家的不同输入长度? And will it use the career length of the player to help predict the player's future production score? 它将利用球员的职业生涯来帮助预测球员的未来得分吗?

This is exactly the kind of issue that recurrent neural networks were built for! 这正是循环神经网络所针对的问题! A recurrent neural network takes series inputs, and has only one node that is shared/repeated for each time-step in the series. 递归神经网络接受系列输入,并且对于系列中的每个时间步仅共享/重复一个节点。 It can handle variable sized inputs, but do note that if you are unwilling to zero-pad the inputs, you will inevitably have to run each input one at a time. 它可以处理大小可变的输入,但请注意,如果您不希望对输入进行零填充,则不可避免地必须一次运行每个输入。 There is no way to vectorize a jagged input matrix. 无法对锯齿状​​的输入矩阵进行矢量化处理。 If you don't have too much data, this won't be much of an issue though. 如果您没有太多数据,那么这将不是什么大问题。 Take a look here for some more information. 在这里查看更多信息。

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