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[英]Joi Validations: Capture the value passed in Custom Error Message

I am using Joi Library with NodeJs/Typescript for validations. 我正在使用带有NodeJs / Typescript的Joi库进行验证。 Validating a request body for a Post Operation. 验证请求主体以进行后期操作。

I am using the language option to provide custom messages for respective field validations. 我正在使用语言选项来为各个字段验证提供自定义消息。

Below is the code 下面是代码

const bodySchema = Joi.object().keys({
    // had to change from string to any so as to avoid multiple messages when empty
    field1: Joi.any().required().valid('Dummy').options({
        language: {
            any: {
                // wrt empty: specific error  message not displaying  with any but empty error is handled by allowOnly custom message. Anways there is no custom message for empty in requirements
                // empty: '!!The parameter \'field1\' cannot be empty. It must be \'Dummy\'',
                required: '!!The parameter \'field1\' is mandatory and must be the value \'Dummy\'',
                allowOnly: '!!Invalid value for parameter \'field1\'. It must be \'Dummy\''
            // how to capture value passed for field1 in the message?

How to Capture the wrong field value passed as requestBody in the custom error message 如何捕获在自定义错误消息中作为requestBody传递的错误字段值

For eg if I pass request body for the POST endpoint 例如,如果我传递POST端点的请求正文

  "field1": "wrongvalue",

Expected custom message Invalid value 'wrongvalue' for parameter \\'field1\\'. 预期的自定义消息参数\\'field1 \\'的无效值'wrongvalue'。 It must be \\'Dummy\\'' 它必须是\\'Dummy \\'

I have gone through JOI API but could not find any reference to doing this. 我已经通过JOI API,但是找不到任何参考。 While regex option has the facility to capture the value passed. 正则表达式选项具有捕获传递的值的功能。 {{value}} works in regex but not in other options. {{value}}适用于正则表达式,但不适用于其他选项。

Please let me know if there is a way to capture the value. 请让我知道是否有一种获取价值的方法。

try this ...... 尝试这个 ......

const typeSchema = Joi.object({field1: Joi
    .error(errors => {
      errors.forEach(err => {
        switch (err.type) {
          case "string.base":
          case "required":
            err.message = "field 1 is mandatory and must be the value";
          case "any.allowOnly":
            err.message = "field1 must be Dummy";
            console.log('validate error type missing', err.type);
      return errors;

}) })

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