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如何为 JOI 库中的方法 valid() 创建自定义消息?

[英]How create a custom message for method valid () in JOI library?

I am validating the property subscription like this:我正在像这样验证属性订阅

  subscription: Joi.string()
    .valid('starter', 'pro', 'business')
      'string.base': `{{#label}} should be a type of string`,
      'string.empty': `{{#label}} must contain value`,
      'any.required': `missing field {{#label}}`,

If subscription not one of these 'starter', 'pro', 'business', I have a message如果订阅不是这些“初学者”、“专业”、“商业”之一,我有一条消息

""subscription" must be one of [starter, pro, business]" ““订阅”必须是 [starter, pro, business] 之一”

So, how create a custom message for method valid () in JOI library?那么,如何为 JOI 库中的方法 valid() 创建自定义消息呢?

You can use any.only :您可以使用any.only

Only some values were allowed, the input didn't match any of them.只允许一些值,输入与其中任何一个都不匹配。

Like this:像这样:

'any.only': `missing field {{#label}}`

This will output the following custom error message:这将 output 以下自定义错误消息:

Validation Error: missing field "subscription"

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